Chapter 9: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

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*3 years later*

Ashlee stood in the kitchen area as Grace, Iris, Willow, Frankie ran into the room. Iris and Willow were crying which alarmed Ashlee so she asked her kids what was wrong. "Dad and Papa won't play dress up with us." Willow said crying harder than before. Ashlee set her drink down and led the kids to where Ghoul and Jet were laying down in bed. Ghoul was sleeping like a rock and Jet was half asleep as he looked at Ashlee. "What?" He asked before rubbing his eyes. "It's 2 in the afternoon and your kids want to spent time with you and Ghoul. So wake Ghoul up and play dress up with your kids." Ashlee said sternly. Jet rolled his eyes, sighed then rolled over to face away from her. "Guys mama is gonna beat the fuck out of dad!" Frankie shouts with a laugh. Ashlee and Jet face Frankie and tell her not to say that word then Ashlee proceeded to walk over to Jet and tug him out of bed. The struggle Jet puts up wakes Ghoul up. Ghoul is soon pulled off the bed by Ashlee too.

"What the hell are you guys doing in here?" Kobra asks from the doorway. "Uncle Kobra...will you play dress up with us? Dad and Papa won't." Grace asked in a nice tone of voice but the look she gave Kobra made it known that he didn't have a choice. "You know who really would enjoy the makeup, your uncle Party. They'll love it." Kobra said as he started backing away only to bump into his sibling seconds later. "What will I like?" Party asks before yawning. "We wanna play dress up but Dad and Papa are being pussy bitches about it." Iris said in a really upset tone. "Iris, we just got onto Frankie for swearing! No swearing till you at least know what the words mean." Jet said sternly to Iris only for her to look at him with tear filled eyes. "Then why did we hear you and Papa swearing at mama and you guys hitting each other last night?!" Willow asked after crossing her arms.

"THAT WAS YOU GUYS?! I THOUGHT IT WAS PARTY AND NAT AGAIN!" Kobra exclaimed, Party smacked the back of his head. ", mama, and your dad were playing a game last night...but it's a secret game you'll learn when you're older." Ghoul said only to have Grace laugh at him. "Grace, what are you doing?" Kobra asked as she walked towards him holding her makeup kit. "Fuck this you're on your own!" He exclaimed as he shoved Party out of the way and ran down the hall and into the main diner room. Shelby and Nat walk out of the kitchen with snacks. Nat was wearing Party's jacket and Shelby was wearing Kobra's. "What's with all the yelling?" Shelby asks as she takes a bite of her hot pocket. Ashlee explains the situation, Shelby and Nat side with Ashlee and soon Nat and Party walk back towards the kitchen. Ghoul and Jet ran out of the room to go hide with Kobra in the other rooms of the diner as the four kids tracked them down like a pack of feral animals.

*time skip*

Frankie finished putting Jet's hair into pigtails while Grace and Iris worked on Ghoul's makeup. Willow came running out of the back of the diner with fake princess dresses. Ghoul and Jet look at Kobra and Party who were sitting on the counter and laughing at the sight. "Ok Papa, I got you this crown to go with your dress. Dad, I got you this giant unicorn mask from a dead guy outside." Iris said which made Jet try to get out of the chair. "PAPA STOP MOVING OR SO HELP ME I'LL SHAVE YOUR EYEBROWS IN YOUR SLEEP!" Frankie yelled as Ghoul sighed and set back down.

After about another hour Kobra, Shelby, Party, and Nat walk back in from outside and see Ghoul and Jet dressed as princesses and wearing fancy makeup. "Uncle Kobra, Uncle Party...can we make you guys pretty too?" Willow asks which makes the brothers look at each other then begin fighting to get out of the door. Soon the four kids grab ahold of the two and drag them over to the chairs besides where Ghoul and Jet sat. "NAT! HELP ME!" Party yelled as they reached for Nat. Grace told Party to use their inside voice then the four tied them and Kobra to the chairs. Ghoul and Jet looked over and started laughing.

*later that night*

Party walked out of the bathroom wiping the makeup off their face with a towel. Tossing the towel on the counter and walking over to Nat who slept soundly on the booths seat, they scooped Nat's sleeping form up and brought them back to their shared bedroom. After laying down with Nat and getting comfortable there was a knock at the door. The door opens and reveals Grace and Iris. "Why aren't you two kids in bed it's later?" Party asks only for Grace to put her hands on her hips and stand courageously, Iris copying her actions seconds after. "The counsel has decided that you and Nat need to have a kid so we can have another person to hang out with once they're old enough." Grace says which catches Party off guard and causes their face to turn red with blush. "Yeah, Mom, Dad, and Papa are talking about it in their room. They all agreed it would be cute if you two had a kid." Iris says before continuing. "We already woke Uncle Kobra and Aunt Shelby up to tell them two the same thing we just told you." Party hid their face in the crook of Nat's neck then shooed the two kids out of their room and told the kids to go to bed.

Party then covered both themself and Nat up with the blankets on the bed before noticing Ghoul, and Jet standing in the doorway. "Now what?!" Party whisper yelled. "Well...wake Nat up and ask about what me and ghouls's daughters just asked you about." Jet said only for Party to immediately shoot down the answer. "If I wake Nat up we're all gonna get our throats slit while we sleep." "Damn it, let's just go tell Kobra to ask Shelby." Ghoul says then closes the door. Party rolls their eyes and plays with Nat's hair as they begin to drift off to sleep like the person in their arms as the sounds of Kobra and Shelby telling Ghoul and Jet to go the fuck back to bed can be heard in the distance.

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