Chapter 26: JOYRIDING

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*two weeks later*

Shelby and Cherri arrive back at the hotel and walk inside to see Nat, Bandit, and Party asleep on the couch, both asleep in Party's arms and wrapped under a thin cover. "Welcome back love birds, I can see Cherri's not as bitchy so congratulations." The red headed non-binary says tiredly with a smirk before yawning. "Why's Nat covered in scars?" Shelby asked sternly to which Party fell silent and the sounds of Nat and Bandit sleeping quietly filled the room. Shelby took a step closer, "Tell me or I'll make sure you don't wake up." She told them angrily but then she noticed the engagement ring on their ring finger.

"I-I...I got drunk and said s-somethings...W-We made up for the most part though. T-They laid in the acid rain." Party mumbled but froze in fear as Cherri walked over. "Gerard, remember the lesson I taught you and your brother when you were younger?" Cherri asked as Party held both Nat and Bandit tighter and looked him in the eyes. "Y-Yeah...Don't hurt these two that's all I ask." Party pleads but Cherri smacks them hard across the face.

"I told you what would happen before Nat, Shelby, and Ashlee even joined the team! Now you go and do some stupid then me and my wife leave for about a month and you go out and be a complete dumbass!" Cherri scolded but soon Nat kicked him in the knee. "If you wake Bandit up so help me Destroya I will make sure your bones get rearranged." Nat said bitterly before greeting Shelby happily then curling back up in Party's arms. Cherri scoffed and walked off and Shelby followed him, trying to calm him down but soon Cherri stopped and turned around to face her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss then noticed Ethan and Ezra standing in the doorway.

"Uncle Cherri...You're graying in your hair. Hi Aunt Shelby!" The two boys exclaimed then rushed over and gave Shelby a tight hug then they hesitantly have Cherri an awkward side hug before running down the hallway laughing. "I'm not graying...Am I?!" Cherri asked in a state of panic. Shelby laughed and pulled the freshly dyed gray piece of hair in front of his face before kissing his cheek and walking into the other room to see Val asleep behind the bar counter in a beanbag. "Either he got blackout drunk or he's exhausted." She told herself as she snuck past him to the stairs but then was stopped once again by Ashlee's kids this time it was Frankie, Willow, and Iris who happily ran up and greeted her at the top of the stairs. "What have you three been up to while we were gone?" Shelby asks in a somewhat nervous tone. The three kids look at each other then back to Shelby and Cherri. "Mama, Dad, Papa, and Padre had a fight...Mama almost...she almost got dusted." Iris said with tears filling her eyes.

*time skip*

The group all gathered in the main lobby living room of the hotel for the meeting Shelby and Cherri had called. "We were gone for 3 weeks and apparently everything went to hell and shit it the fan, care to explain?!" Shelby exclaimed with her hands on her hips. The Fab Four looked towards the ground, none of them saying a word before finally Val spoke up. "From what I've heard Kobra didn't do anything and was the only one out of the four who went to find Nat and Ashlee when they were presumed dead. Grace and Bandit went with him, just saying." Val then took a sip of his soda and went back to cleaning the counter of the bar. "That means the three of you have explaining to do before I leave you at BL/IND's doorstep." Shelby told Party, Ray, and Ghoul who still refused to make eye contact with her or Cherri.

"Ashlee, Nat, tell me what happened so we can get both your sides of the story." Cherri told the two who said nothing as the room fell silent. "Tell us!" Cherri exclaimed which made everyone flinch at the loudness then freeze in shock at his outburst. Party turned to Nat who was shaking but before they could help or ask if they were ok Nat got up and walked outside. Ashlee threw a glass bottle at Cherri and it shattered on the wall behind him. Party went after Nat but was quickly shut down by Ashlee and Shelby telling them to give Nat space. But Party still followed the two outside anyways to make sure Nat knew they were sorry for what had happened a couple weeks ago. Val scoffed at Cherri then threw his soap covered rag back into the bucket. Bandit and Grace marched over to Cherri and started scolding him for yelling and being outrageous with the sudden outburst. Jet, Ghoul, and Kobra called Cherri over once the two girls were done threatening him and began explaining everything that happened for their side of the story.

After a while Shelby and Ashlee walked back into the hotel, Party and Nat walked in after a few minutes. Bandit and Grace handed Shelby and Ashlee a map of Battery City with different colored x's in different areas. "We found all your parents...also we made a drone out of parts from the Trans Am, don't tell the guys that though." The two kids said in unison but the mention of the Trans Am summons Jet, "Who did what to my car?!" He asked sternly but Grace and Bandit bolted. Jet chased after the two but then looked outside at his car to see the the hood off and laying on the ground, the doors were completely missing, and all four wheels were gone, this caused Jet to go pale in the face at the sight of the car and passed out on the floor. Ashlee, Kobra, and Ghoul rushed over to help him and see if he was ok only for him to let out a few sobs then he walked over and collapsed onto the couch.

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