Chapter 21: Surrender The Night

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*8 months later*

The draculoids surrounded the group as Jet and Kobra tried to hold them off while Nat could patch Party up from their wounds. After a few moments pass the shots stop and the last drac hits the ground, dead from a blast right between the eyes. Jet and Kobra looked over as the sound of Nat's crying grew louder, "DAMN IT! PARTY STAY AWAKE! YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER TO GO BACK TO! SHE NEEDS YOU AND SO DO I!" Party weakly opens their eyes and shakily lifts their hand to cup Nat's face in their palm. "T-Tell Bandit...I'm-I'm sorry." Party whispered as they began to cry. 

"Party don't you dare!" Kobra exclaims as he marches over with a tear stained face. "'ll b-be okay." Party says but Kobra only cries harder and punches the wall before collapsing against Jet and sobbing into his shoulder. Nat held Party in their arms as a mysterious figure appears, the Phoenix Witch. Jet's eyes over flowed with tears as he watched the witch walk over and place her hand on Party's chest above their heart. "Not long now, this one's story is almost up. It's ashamed your daughter won't get to see you one last time." She says softly but Nat hears every single word and smacks her hand off Party. "You're not fucking taking them!" Nat yelled which caught everyone by surprise due to the loudness.

The phoenix witch sighs, "There is another way...but it's a dangerous road to go down." Nat nodded and told her to do it, Party tried to stop Nat but was too weak due to their injuries. Jet and Kobra kept crying harder as the scene unfolded, Kobra then broke away and held his older brother in his arms and sobbed harder than ever. "I can spare their life in exchange for another. A soul for a soul as some might say." The witch said. Nat looked at her and nodded then she snapped her fingers and Party gasped and sat up quickly, Nat fell to the ground limply. "NAT NO! YOU IDIOT! REVERSE IT YOU WITCHY BITCH! BRING THEM BACK!" Party yelled but the phoenix witch silenced them.

"Quiet! Your lover is in an in between state or reality and eternity! The curse is hard to break, they must've casted it on themself before I tried to remove their soul!" The witch exclaimed in annoyance then vanished into thin air just like before. Party held Nat and cried which alarmed Jet due to him never seeing Party breakdown this bad before. "Start the car...we're going home." Kobra told Jet as he wiped off his tears. Jet nodded and went over and started the Trans Am as Party carried Nat over and held them closely in the backseat and Kobra sat in the passenger seat.

*time skip*

Nat woke up in the middle of the night to see that they were back in them and Party's shared bedroom. They looked over and saw Party sleeping, their bright red locks of hair partially covered their face and their tear swollen cheeks and eyes. Nat moved the hair out of Party's face then kissed them gently as Party began to wake up. "N-Nat?!" They asked before starting to cry again, clinging to Nat and sticking their face in the crook of Nat's neck.

"Me and Bandit were worried! We didn't want you to die!" Party said in a broken voice before crying even harder. Nat teared up and rubbed their back, "Gee I wouldn't make myself that easy to kill. And I wouldn't leave the team, you, and our kid alone because I don't wanna know what'll happen if I did."

*time skip to morning*

The sun began to rise and fill the hotel with its rays of light. The kids slept soundly on the 2nd floor along with Cherri and Shelby but Ashlee, Jet, Ghoul, and Kobra were having their own sets of problems. "JET! WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO?!" Kobra exclaimed as Ashlee squeezed his hands tighter and Ghoul covered her mouth with his hand before she could scream and wake everyone else up.

"KOBRA CALM DOWN! GHOUL TRY TO KEEP HER QUIET!" Jet exclaimed sternly as he rushed out of the room. Ashlee looked to see Kobra holding her hand and crying, "I didn't want to make you in pain! I'm sorry!" Ghoul ruffles Kobra's hair and smiles. "Dude this isn't half as bad as when she was giving birth to the triplets." He told Kobra as Jet rushed back into the room. Ashlee looked at him and squeezed Kobra and Ghoul's hands tighter as Jet delivers the babies. Twins, two boys. Ashlee relaxes and leans against Kobra who smiles.

After a little bit Jet returns with the clean newborns and hands them to Ashlee as Frankie, Grace, Willow, and Iris all follow behind him like baby ducks following their mom. "Damn Dad, you've got big enough tits I figured you would've breastfed em." Frankie said as she looked up at Jet. Kobra, Ghoul, and Ashlee started laughing which caused the other KillJoys to enter the room. Moments go by before anyone says anything, "So what are you gonna name em?" Cherri asks to break the growing silence. "I don't know, how about Ezra and Ethan." Ashlee said while looking over to Kobra who nodded. After a while everyone slowly left the room which left the polyamorous couple to clean up the mess.

"Now we have two walking bombs." Ghoul said excitedly. "What do you mean?" Kobra asked before realizing Ashlee was pregnant when she was draculoided. "OH SHIT! JET OUR WIFEY GAVE BIRTH TO BOMBS!" Kobra called out to Jet but Jet was sleeping like a rock and didn't even move at the loudness.  Ashlee laughed then was soon met with Kobra and Ghoul's heads on her shoulders for a moment then fell asleep themselves.

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