Chapter 10: Summertime

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"Ok guys me and Nat found an abandoned hotel that's still in tact a little ways out from here. Wanna set up camp there since we're running out of room here?" Party asks the others who nod and begin packing their things. "I call dibs on the luxury suite!" Nat exclaims. Shelby and Ashlee soon try to take claim to the room which causes the three to begin fighting. "NAT ONLY WANTS THE LUXURY SUITE SO THEY CAN HAVE SEX WITH UNCLE PARTY!" Frankie yells which makes the room go completely silent. "FRANKIE!" Ashlee yelled but the kid laughed and ran off. Ghoul was laughing hysterically as Nat and Party's faces turned as red as their hair. "THE ROOM IS MINE YOU ASSFUCKS! I HAVE TWO HUSBANDS!" Ashlee screams to which Jet sighs. "And she wonders where the kids get it from."

*at the old hotel*

"Holy crap! This place has a pool!" Grace exclaims before running and hopping the fence to get to the pool. Iris, Willow, and Frankie follow close behind Grace and struggle to climb the fence. Ghoul walks over and boosts the kids over the fence before climbing it himself and investigating, Jet sighs and opens the gate which causes Ghoul to give him a flabbergasted look. "There's some fuckery a foot!" Ghoul yelled as he threw his hands up. Frankie walks up beside her dad and does the same thing, Jet smacks Ghoul over the back of the head and scolds him for swearing in front of the kids. While the two argue and the kids explore outside the hotel the others enter the building carrying all their things they'd packed.

Nat and Party set their bags down on the lobby table then Nat punched the wall and the lights came on. "This place has some perks. Now we have power, fancy foods, a pool, and bedrooms we can actually move around in." Party said as they wrapped their arm around Nat's waist. "Now if you'll excuse me and Nat, we're gonna go claim our luxury honeymoon suite." They said with a smirk before grabbing their things and running towards the stairs with Nat. Kobra immediately ran after his older sibling, Shelby and Ashlee following the three's chase close behind.

The group made it to the top floor when they all noticed that almost every room was a honeymoon suite but the lights stopped working halfway through the hallway. "Me and Nat call dibs on this one!" Party yelled as he ran down the dark hallway towards the one room at the end with a eerily glowing light. "PARTY STOP IT! COME BACK HERE!" Nat yelled towards Party but it was too late. A red and black bat had bit Party on the neck, the bats long fangs pulled out of Party's neck with blood dripping from them. Nat shoots the bat and rushes to help Party who held their neck and fell to the ground. "This is why we don't act like fucking morons in abandoned houses." Shelby said as Kobra rushed over to help Nat's aid to his older sibling. "There's no blood just a couple holes." Nat said but seconds later Party passed out in their arms. "We'll go tell the others, just get them to a bed and figure out what the hell that bat was." Ashlee told Nat who nodded and scooped Party into their arms and carried them to the new bedroom while the other three rushed to find the others.

When the three made it down to the lobby they saw Jet and the four kids holding the door as something outside pounded against it. "Where's Ghoul?!" Ashlee asked as she ran over to Jet. "H-He got bit by a weird black and red bat with fucking giant ass fangs and now he's acting like a psychopathic maniac." Jet exclaimed but the kids moved away from the door and it flung open, knocking Jet to the ground. Ghoul stood in the doorway panting, his pupils were blood red and slightly glowing. "SHELBY GET THE KIDS AND ASHLEE OUT OF HERE! KOBRA HELP ME CONTAIN HIM!" Jet yells as Ashlee refuses to leave. Ghoul's canine teeth were longer than before as he stared at Ashlee and Jet who looked on at him in worry and fear. "ASHLEE COME ON! NAT IS IN TROUBLE!" Shelby yelled and after a couple seconds Ashlee ran out of the room with her kids and Shelby.

The group ran back up the stairs only to reach the room and see Nat holding Party's hands while they still laid unconscious on the bed. "Nat, leave em and come on." Shelby stated sternly, earning a confused look from Nat. Seconds later before anyone could say anything Party wakes up. Their eyes were blood red and glowing just like Ghoul's was, their canine teeth extended, and they looked paler than before. "NAT GET AWAY FROM THEM!" Ashlee and Shelby both yelled in unison. The kids ran off and hid in another room as Party looked to Nat with a face of fear and confusion. "You idiots got bit by vampire bats!" Shelby exclaimed but before she continue Jet and Kobra's screams echo through the hotel. "JET?!" Ashlee screams as she runs out of the room and towards the hurt screams.

"MIKEY?!" Party yelled as they got up from bed and sprinted towards the sound, Nat and Shelby trailing behind them. At the bottom floor the group sees Jet and Kobra got bitten, the kids were cowering in the corner of the room. "Mikey?" Party asks their little brother as they scoop him off the floor and hold him. Ashlee tries to get close to her husbands but she's stopped by Shelby so she goes to comfort her kids. Kobra woke up moments before Jet and freaked out at the sight of his older sibling's vampire features.


Nat, Shelby, and Ashlee were redying their hair in the bathroom of the presidential suite when the door opened, revealing Grace who had tears in her eyes. "Grace? Sweetie, what's wrong?" Ashlee asked as she took off her dye covered gloves and walked over to her oldest child. "Do you think Dad and Papa will be ok?" She asked sadly. "Your dad and papa are strong people, they'll be fine. They've fought against the government for so many years, one little vampire bite won't stop em. You also know your dad and papa just like I do, they're both stubborn mother fuckers." Ashlee says in a comforting voice to which Grace nods then yawns before telling her mom goodnight and walking out of the room. "Where are the boys at anyways?" Shelby asks before walking over to the window and seeing the moonlight lit desert. "Party was in me and their room last time I saw them. The others I have no clue about." Nat says but soon the door opens again which reveals the four boys standing in the doorway, Party walks over to Nat and pulls them close. "Party my hairs wet, I just washed it." Nat tells them while pointing over to the dark red dye that stained the bathtub. Kobra tried to approach Shelby but she shoved him away and walked out while pinning her hair up in a bun.

Ashlee walked over to Jet and Ghoul who both hesitantly stepped back in order to not accidentally hurt her. Kobra gazed at the door with a heartbroken look then turned to face the ground with tears in his eyes, "Does she really think I'm that much of a freak to even look at me?" He asks before leaving the room crying. Nat and Party go after him while Ashlee, Ghoul, and Jet try to get used to the new vampire abilities they gained from the bites.

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