✨Chapter 23: Teenagers✨

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*2 months later*

"WE FOUND A SPENCER'S!" Nat and Ashlee yell as they both practically kick the doors to the hotel in. "What's a Spencer's?" Jet asks as Mikey jumps slightly from the loudness of the doors. "Val watch the kids, boys get in the cars!" Ashlee exclaims loudly as Ghoul enters the room with Party. "Party, car now come on! We found a story you'd like!" Nat squeals happily as they rush over to them. Shelby grabs Cherri by the hand and leads him outside to the Durango.

*at Spencer's*

The group got out of the cars and walked into the rundown store and the three begin grabbing cups and clothes from the shelves and around the room when suddenly Mikey picked something up off the floor. "What's this thing?" He asked innocently as Nat, Shelby, and Ashlee all looked at each other. "It's...it's a toy." Ashlee said as Jet's eyes widened at the realization. Cherri gasped slightly before being led out of the building by Shelby who already knew what was about to happen.

"What kind of toy?" Party whispered to Nat only to receive a smirk. "Gee meet me in the storage room of this place, I'll be there in a minute." Nat told them, Party gave them a confused look but went to the room anyway. Ghoul walked over to Mikey and picked up a swing, "Ashlee...I think someone fucked up the swing. It looks weird compared to the swings I remember." Jet turned to face Ashlee with a fully knowing look before covering his mouth with his hand to hold back a laugh. "Well I'll be in the storage room...Don't disturb unless you see Dracs, even if you do this'll be eventful." Nat said casually as they carried a black bag full of stuff towards the storage room with them.

Ashlee and Jet watched as Ghoul and Mikey kept looking at stuff from the shelves and some that were still in boxes that had fell onto the floor. Ghoul began laughing hysterically when he saw a muzzle, "Dude they sold animal stuff here to?! Kobra I'll give you $20 if you wear this." Kobra hesitantly took the muzzle from him and put it on. Suddenly one of Party's yelps catches two of the people in the room off guard. "I think Gerard's hurt! We should help them, also why do they sound like they're crying?" Kobra said as he practically rips the muzzle off and tries to go help his sibling but Ashlee stops him.

"Kobra...your sibling is fine, they're just playing a game with Nat." She told him as Jet started laughing. Both look over to see Ghoul wearing the muzzle and running around the room. Before anyone could get a single word out the sound of Party's screams got louder which left Kobra in confusion and worry that his older sibling was really hurt. "Ok so what do these things actually do?" Ghoul asks while being slightly muffled due to the metal cage around his mouth area. "How about Ashlee shows you?" Jet suggested as Ashlee laughed and went red in the face.

*back to the Trans Am 3 hours after the ✨events✨*

Nat carried Party in their arms as they walked over to the car, putting them in the backseat next to Ghoul who was red in the face and had tears in his eyes. Ashlee sat in the drivers seat and Nat got into the passenger seat while the Fab Four sat in the back. Ashlee looked in the rearview mirror to see Kobra who leaned against the back of the seat with his arm on the door and his hand covering his mouth. "I see we had the same idea." Nat laughed while pulling a remote and temporarily setting it on the dash. Ashlee laughed and pointed to the three remotes sitting in the cup holders. "Payed 'em $10 each and they all took it. Hell I didn't even tell 'em what the main goal of the money was." She told Nat before grabbing one of the remotes and turning the 3 to a 4.

Kobra went red in the face even more and threw his head back as both his hands flew up to cover his mouth. Party caught onto what happened and immediately tried to grab the remote from Ashlee. "You bitch g-give it! Leave my brother a-alone!" Party stated angrily but Nat grabbed the controls and turned the 2 to a 6. Party let out a loud noise and arched their back off the seat. Nat turned the level down to four and left it as Ashlee started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

After driving for a couple of minutes Ashlee grabs the controller and turns the level 4 to a level 5. Kobra noticeably jerks at the sudden change. "A-Ashlee stop it!" Ghoul whined but seconds later the level 4 he was on turned to a level 7. "Role Reversal bitches it's my turn." She told him as he whimpered and tried to lift off the seat to stop the toy from being shoved deeper only for Ashlee to shoot Jet a look and Jet nods, leaning around Kobra and shoving Ghoul back onto the seat. Ghoul cried out again only this time it was more of a relieved sound. Party tried to convince Nat to turn their toy down another level or two but Nat turned it up another level. Kobra had tears running down his face as the car pulled up to hotel. Nat and Ashlee turn the levels back down to 1 and Jet carries Ghoul into the building.

Kobra stumbles behind them while being supported by Ashlee and Nat scoops Party up bridal style and brings them inside. The kids all gather around their parents who were supposed to be back in the afternoon but it's now almost sunset. "Where were you guys! You were supposed to be back earlier! Why is Papa and Padre crying and why is Uncle Party covered in bruises?!" Grace exclaims but Jet just sighs and tells her and the other kids that they all got into a clap with an exterminator. The kids started asking about the fight to which Ashlee laughed and said it was an experience for sure then turns the level up to three for Ghoul who covers his mouth. Jet takes him upstairs to their room while Ezra and Ethan run up to Ashlee and Kobra. "Is Dad and Papa ok?!" Ashlee smiles and then Nat sets Party down on the couch next to them. "Party's getting an attitude again." To which Party rolls their eyes and tries to get comfortable.


The sun had fully set and the kids went to bed. Shelby and Cherri followed soon after which left Nat, Ashlee, and the Fab Four alone once again. Party and Jet marched over to the bar where Nat and Ashlee were sitting at and they both turn their chairs around so their gazes meet. "Nat, stop with the stupid remote for fuck sake. I'm tired of you acting all tough and trying to make yourself seem like you run the shots when I reality you don't run shit. So turn the thing off and maybe I'll be nice tonight." Party said sternly but Nat just smiles and turns the levels up all at once. Val realized what the remote was to as Party went red in the face and their eyes rolled back. The same thing happened to Jet seconds later after he let out a yelp. "Well we know who runs the relations ships here." Val says then takes a sip of his beer.

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