Chapter 35: Masterpiece

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*1 week later*

The kids screams were heard from the arcade area but when everyone went to check on them they saw the kids gathered around a somehow still working laptop. "What are you guys doing?" Jet asks but the kids pause the video and turn their traumatized gazes up to the rest of the group. "The better question is what is Pony doing?!" They all exclaim in unison. Everyone turns to pony to see them wearing their usual crop top and a pair of shorts that show some of their thigh. "Kids, that what they normally wear." Kobra tried to explain until he walked around to see the screen of the computer, he froze and went silent.

"Why does that cowboy have his butt cheeks sticking out?" Bug asked. "Wait...OH SHIT!" Pony exclaimed before Grace scrolls down the video suggestions and picks a video called Hyper Sexuality. "The videos can't be that bad." Jet says as he walks over and they all watch the music video. "UNCLE PONY LEAVE THE MANNEQUIN ALONE!" Iris yells as Willow stares at them in horror. Ashlee then walks over and starts watching the video but moments later she pauses the video and throws a broken mouse at Pony before yelling, "I'm telling dad!" Both her and Pony ran out of the building yelling at one another as they booked it towards Dr. D's new shack across the get away mile. "DAD! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" Ashlee screamed but she was soon tackled to the ground. She tried to yell again but when she opened her mouth Pony threw sand in it.

Dr. D sat on the porch of his new shack, taking another sip of his soda before seeing why his kids were arguing this time. "WHATEVER ASHLEE TELLS YOU IS A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT LIES!" Pony yelled but they were quickly jabbed in the side by Ashlee as she spit out the sand. "PONY MAKES PORN ON THE INTERNET!" She yelled which caused Dr. D to choke on his drink and begin coughing. After catching his breath Dr. D looks at his kids and asks how Ashlee found out and he asked Pony if it was true or not. "Oh I didn't find it...My kids did!" Ashlee exclaimed but Pony just looked at their dad's facial expression. "PONY!? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU MAKING PORN?" Dr. D asked but Pony looked down for a moment then looked back up with a smile. "Well dad you told me to make money, and I'm making money now so I don't see the issue." Pony replied but Ashlee smacked them and another fight broke out.

"KIDS!" Dr. D yelled which got both Pony and Ashlee's attention instantly. "Ashlee I'm sure it's not that what Pony doing isn't that bad." He explained but Ashlee ran up to the porch and tugged him up from his chair and drug him by the wrist back to the amusement park. "ASHLEE STOP IT! I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU!" Pony yelled as they tried to stop her and their dad from going into the room with the computers. But their efforts had no affect and Ashlee shooed the kids off to go bother Val and to explore the rest of the park as Dr. D sat down in the chair. "You're lucky the Phoenix Witch healed my legs or else you would've been dragging me for real." He laughed but looked at the computer screen to see Pony with a VR headset on, Ashlee hit the play button and the video began.

"What's with all the destroyed mannequins? I'm not even going to question why Pony doesn't have a shirt on." Dr. D said with a sigh. The video continued and seconds later he went wide eyed and paused the video, "Pony...what are you doing to the mannequins?" He asked but Ashlee turned his gaze back to the computer. "Just keep watching." She tells him as she unpauses the video. After a few moments Dr. D's jaw drops and he looks to Pony who's avoiding eye contact. "Pony I swear if you have more videos like this then I'm gonna give you a 5 second head start before I get up and beat your ass." He warned but Ashlee paused Hyper Sexuality and showed her dad all the songs Pony's made then a new one appeared. "What does that one say?...BOOTY EATER?!" Dr. D exclaimed loudly to which Pony rushed out of the room to go hide for their now slightly upset and confused dad and sister.

After about 15 minutes Ashlee and Dr. D find Pony hidden in Party and Nat's room. "Pony...I know you're in here." Ashlee said menacingly as she looked under the art desk and locked gazes with her brother. "Kid, I'm not mad but I also don't want to know what you and those two red heads do when we're not around." Their dad laughs but stops when he hears a manly meow from next to his feet. Looking down he sees Buffy staring up at him, "What's up with the cat?! Why the fuck does is have buff as shit arms?!" Dr. D asks frantically in a confused tone. But Buffy starts climbing his legs and side before sitting on his shoulder and purring. Cherri runs up to the group with his gun and warning the group about a group of dracs who were approaching quickly.

Pony and Ashlee grab their guns and rush over to the group but Kobra, Jet, Party, and Ghoul were gone. Shelby and Nat knocked out cold on the ground as Cherri tried to wake Shelby up. Pony ran over and tried to wake Nat up but seconds later Shelby woke up and tried to pistol whip Cherri, thinking he was a drac. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY HUSBANDS!?" Ashlee screams as she sees Jet's, Kobra's, and Ghoul's masks scattered on the ground then she noticed Nat holding Party's mask as Pony held them limply in their arms.

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