Chapter 40: Common People

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*2 weeks later*

It had been two weeks since everyone had lost their powers and things were as normal as it could get. Frankie was peacefully vacuuming the sand off the ground when suddenly she accidentally caught some of Jet's hair in it. "Frankie! Turn the thing off! It's eating my hair!" Jet exclaimed frantically. Frankie flipped a switch quickly, but it was the reverse switch, sand and Jet's hair was blown back at him. Before Jet could scold Frankie, Ghoul and Nat sprint into the room carrying boxes and laughing mischievously. Ashlee, Shelby, and Cherri walk into the room moments later.

Cherri sighed and walked over to Jet, "Two of the many bastards here found shit they shouldn't have...again. Also, Mike wired us and said we can have the hotel back. He said he went to where our old rooms were and it scared him, so he's giving us the hotel back." Jet's face turned red as he remembered what himself, Kobra, Ghoul, and Ashlee has accidentally forgotten.

*After getting settled back in the Hotel/Hooters*

"Great now we have to move all this shit around again." Frankie grumbled in annoyance before the sound of a can cracking open silenced the room. Everyone turned over to the bar area to see Ghoul, Val, Nat, and Ashlee pouring two brightly colored cans full of liquid in a cup then adding a small can of Mountain Dew. "Who wants to taste test? Grownups only." Val asked as the cup sizzled angrily as the fizz stayed for longer than it should have. The kids all let out a collective huff then Ghoul turned his head and locked eyes with Jet. "Jet get your ass over here. This shit is good." Ghoul told him as he set a shot glass down. "Kobra, try this. You'll love this." Ashlee told Kobra who was half asleep on the couch.

Kobra groaned and rolled over to face away from her when she walked over to him. "Someone's in a mood." Ghoul laughed before abruptly being struck with empty bug juice bottles that were thrown by Ezra and Ethan. Back at the counter, Val took a shot of the Monster Energy and Mountain Dew combination then began complaining that it burned. "All of you idiots are gonna end up dead in the morning!" Shelby called from the stairs while Steeley and Phoenix stopped playing with their cars and action figures and sprinted up to her full speed to give her a hug.

"Everything's starting to look up for us again." Cherri said with a smile while walking up to his wife and kids on the stairs. Everyone scolded him for saying that because they all knew damn well that he had just jinxed it and now something bad was going to happen. Party walked back into the room and looked over at the bar counter. "It's supposed to storm later, if you look over the horizon you can see it." Party warned as they wrapped their arms around Nat. "Pony's upstairs asleep in our old room." Nat told Party who nodded but the two were quickly distracted by Ghoul who threw himself across the counter towards Ashlee. "Here my lovely wife, try some of the fancy drink. Pretty please?" Ghoul begged with puppy dog eyes, but Ashlee told him no. "B-But why?" Ghoul pouted but Ashlee put both her hands on his face in a loving way, "Because you're not supposed to drink all that crap while you're pregnant." The whole room went silent as Shelby and Cherri raced over to congratulate her. "Again?!" Val exclaimed before putting his head in his hands. 

Kobra sits up from his spot on the couch and looks over to Ashlee, "Was it Ghoul again?" Jet walked up and set beside Ashlee. "Not this time." Jet told him with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Ashlee's shoulders. "STOP HAVING SEX! CHRIST ON A CORNCHIP!" Frankie exclaimed while the rest of the kids began to have small meltdowns. "Will all of you chill out?!" Jet called over the yelling. "We're having a little girl, we're gonna name her Ember." Frankie looked at him with a glare, "Papa with all due respect...STOP PUTTING YOUR-" Frankie's rampage is cut off when Grace puts her hand over Frankie's mouth. "What Frankie meant to say is We're all really happy for another sibling." Grace said with an awkward smile before Frankie bit her hand, "OWWW! FRANKIE WHAT THE HELL?!" 

"YOU WILL NOT SILENCE ME! NO ONE WILL SILENCE ME!" Frankie yells before she's quickly picked up by Ghoul. "Ok little force of nature, it's late. Let's get you to bed." Frankie huffed but then quickly fell asleep as Ghoul carried her upstairs, the rest of the kids following behind like a trail of baby ducks. 

*After Ghoul came back downstairs*

"Let's go over the list of kids...starting with me and Cherri, we have Steeley and Phoenix. Gerard, Nat, and Pony have Bandit and Bug. Then you, Jet, Kobra, and Ghoul have Grace, Frankie, Willow, Iris, Ezra, Ethan, and now Ember." Shelby tried to explain to Ashlee. "Yep...And Frank wants one more. Then we're calling it done and no more kids." Ashlee shrugged nonchalantly. Kobra looked away before claiming he was tired and going to bed. Vaya and Vamos looked over from their seat on the Hooter's side of the lobby room, the two look at Val who nods. "What are you nodding at?" Ghoul asked as Party followed Kobra to check up on him, knowing that he never goes to bed this early even when he is tired. 

Nat cracked open another monster can and grabbed the cup from before. "Dude you're going to have a traumatic medical emergency then kill over! stop chugging that crap!" Jet warned his sibling who didn't listen and kept chugging the energy drink. "That should be the least of your worries...It's downpouring acid rain outside and you left your car completely unprotected with the windows cracked." Nat smiled at their brother who began freaking the hell out and rushing around to find his car keys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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