Chapter 15: Zero Percent

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Val mopped the floor as someone entered the freshly made restaurant. He called for Party and Ghoul to take the persons order but the two took one look, and only one look, at the man and both refused to serve him. "What's up with you two?! From what I've heard this whole thing was mainly your twos idea!" Val called after them but soon the man made his way over to Val and began making conversation. Ghoul and Party went back into the kitchen where the others were, Party was practically shaking like a leaf and on the verge of crying as they clung tightly to Nat. "Gee, what's wrong? What happened?" Nat asked as they rubbed Party's back. "I'm not g-going back out there! Keep that mother fucker away from me, Kobra, Ghoul, and Jet!" Party exclaimed but soon the sound of the bell at the desk rung. "Hello? I heard that Gerard, Ray, Mickey, and Frank were here. Me and those four are old friends." The man said as Cherri walked out and over to the man at the desk. The man introduced himself as Bob and once again asked to see the four he'd mentioned before.

Nat went over to Party who was now crying in the corner and pulling their bright red locks of hair while shaking with their knees tucked closer to their chest. Shelby went out to the counter to help Cherri work the register but saw how Val used sign language, trying to send her a message presumably about Bob. Ashlee was about to walk out of the kitchen but Jet and Ghoul tugged her against them and told her to stay away from Bob, Ghoul shook and his eyes watered while Jet had a firm hold on both Ashlee and Ghoul as he pulled the two closer. "Frank, I'm gonna go keep the kids upstairs. Just say back here and keep your gun close." Jet mumbled to Ghoul who whipped the tears from his eyes and tried to steady his breathing but nodded as Jet snuck away from the kitchen and to the stairs. "Ghoul, what did this guy do to you guys?" Ashlee asked but Ghoul froze then went over to Party and Kobra who were hidden away in the corner while Party told Nat what happened with Bob before they left Battery City all those years ago.

After Nat was told the things Bob had done the amount of rage that boiled inside Nat was more than what any of the three had ever seen before. Nat walked over to Ashlee and told her what happened and now the two were planning ways to make Bob suffer. "So apparently Bob was good friends with the four idiots before they left Battery City." Shelby said as she walked back into the kitchen and over to Nat and Ashlee. Nat grabs the largest kitchen knife from the wood block and starts towards the door but Jet stops them. "Nat, stop. Just go comfort Party for now, you'll have your chance. We all will." Jet says as he takes the knife from Nat and puts it back. Nat calls Party over and hugs them tightly and tries to calm them down. Bob calls for the four once again but this time no one acknowledges his presence. Moments pass once again before the sound of a chair scooting across the floor was heard and footsteps approached the counter once again, only this time Bob appeared behind the counter and in the doorway of the kitchen. "Aww my muse your hair looks so lovely red and my bleach blonde fallen angel you look just as stunning as ever." Bob says to Party and Kobra who try to hide themselves from Bob's gaze.

"How disappointing, Frank hasn't changed much. And Ray just the same as ever." He says coldly to the other two. Ray grabs the knife Nat had earlier and launches it at Bob but he moves and the knife hits the wall behind him. "Get the fuck out of our kitchen you piece of shit! I won't hesitate to make Final Destination look like a goddamn checklist for what I'm about to do to you!" Ashlee yells as Ghoul clings to her. Bob laughs and winks at her but Jet throws another knife which cuts part of Bob's ear, causing him to wince at the pain. "Come on Ray, I bet you and girly over here would love to play mayonnaise roulette. Because both of you have the same attitude almost, god it'll be so fun." He says as Ghoul tries to reach a knife but Bob smacks his hand down and pulls him away from Ashlee's grip.

"Aww Frank, is she your girlfriend?" Bob asks but Ashlee interrupts him by taking Ghoul back into her arms, "I AM HIS FUCKING WIFE!" She yells before kissing Ghoul. Jet walks over and hugs the two and gains a kiss from Ashlee as well. Bob's eyes widen at the sight, he scoffs then turns to Party and Nat who are attached to each other and staring daggers at him. "Does that mean my muse is with that dark red haired...girl?" Bob asks but a force nails him right in the mouth. "Try again! Next time it's the fucking jugular!" Nat yells as Bob falls to his knees. "Man you look good from this angle." He tells Nat but Party's boot meets his nose which knocks him out cold then Party picks Nat up. "The only one who can make sexual comments to Nat is me! Strike two prick!" Party yells at the unconscious body on the floor. Kobra hesitantly walked over to Shelby and asked if she was alright but soon Cherri took her into his arms and the two walked out of the room. Kobra cried harder as Jet pulled him close and comforted him as he shook and sobbed in his arms.

"I just w-want things to go back to what they were before, I-I miss her Jet I really fucking miss h-her." Kobra sobbed out as his grip on Jet tightened. "What are we going to do with Bob's body till he wakes up?" Val asks as he sat on the counter. "Well I mean he is on the floor...I guess we're up for whatever your suggesting." Nat says to which Val smiles wickedly. "I mean for everything he's done I guess we do a blood eagle when he wakes up so he feels all the pain." Val says and surprisingly everyone agrees with the idea.

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