Chapter 24: Gun

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*3 Months later *

Ashlee shakily took a breath as she held the ring boxes in her hand. "Well let's get in there and do our thing." Nat said to her before getting out of the car, holding a ring box in their hands as they waited on Ashlee to get out so they can both go propose to the four who sat in the diner. Ashlee gets out of the car and notices the bottle of alcohol that littered the ground outside. "Are you kidding me?" She asks as she points to the window as Nat turns their concerned and hurt gaze to the window where the two see the Fab Four drunk at the booth they always sat at.

"So they didn't stop?" Nat asked as tears filled their eyes and the two made their way closer to the building when they heard yelling and the voices of the four. Ashlee and Nat stop at the door and listen to the four who are clearly drunk. "Dude I'm so sick and tired of Nat being so clingy! Like holy shit I can't go anywhere without them or that damn kid up my ass!" A voice clearly Party yelled before being joined by another voice that belonged to none other than Jet joined in. "Dude don't even get me started on those kids, Ashlee is still wanting more of em too! Like we don't need anymore of those things running around!"

Nat covered their mouth with their hand as tears ran down their face. Ashlee had tears running down her face as well but before she could turn to leave for the car Nat kicked the doors to the diner in then stormed inside. Ashlee followed them inside as the four gave sounds of annoyance and told them both to leave. "Oh so I'm the clingy one?! I'm the fucking clingy one! You're pathetic Party! Also it was your idea to adopt Bandit!" Nat yelled as Party slammed their beer down and stood from the booth. "Yeah you are clingy! Look you followed me all the way here! And I'm pathetic?! At least I don't need to have someone around me in order to fucking sleep at night!" Party yelled back to Nat who had tears rolling down their face as they clutched the ring box in their hands.

"At least I don't get pissed off whenever someone tries to show me even the slightest bit of kindne-!" Nat yelled back before being cut off by Party smacking them across the face. Ashlee's eyes widen and she storms over to Party and shoves him backwards as Nat cups the hand mark now stinging bright red into their cheek. "DO NOT TOUCH THEM YOU STUPID BITCH!" Ashlee exclaimed before being pulled back and yelled at by Ghoul. "LEAVE! NOW!"

Ashlee was shoved backwards and fell to the ground, the ring box slipped out of her jacket pocket. "What's in the box?!" Jet asks as he picks it up and opens it to reveal a blue sapphire ring. Ghoul and Kobra grab the other two boxes and see the rings in the boxes meant for them then the three of them look at Ashlee who sat on the floor crying harder than before. "Baby?" Kobra asks but Ashlee shoves the three away and walks out. Party storms over towards Nat and threw the box away from them, "Like I'd ever marry a thing like you!" They yelled but a loud smack echoed off the walls. "Burn in Hell Gerard! I've put up with all your shit for so many god damn years and I am tired of it!" Nat sobs out before picking up the ring and sliding it on Party's finger while they hold the soon to be bruised hand print on their face. "Come talk to me when you get your shit together!" Nat yells before storming out of the diner.

*the next morning*

"Bandit get back here and talk to me!" Party yelled to their daughter but she ignored him and stormed over to the bar. "Val, apple juice please." She says as Val slides her a glass of juice. Grace turns around in her chair and glares at Party and Ghoul who had came down from upstairs to see what the commotion was about. "Grace, sweetie what's wrong? Where's your mama?" Ghoul asks but Grace scoffs and turns back around to face Val who nodded. Grace grabbed her glass and launched it towards Ghoul and Party. "GRACE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ghoul exclaims but Grace and Bandit start crying. "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS WRONG! MOM AND UNCLE NAT ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU TWO!" Grace screams which makes both Party and Ghoul go pale and freeze in place.

"W-What?" Party asks with tears in their eyes. "YOU CALLED DAD A THING! BUT OH NO YOU WERE TO BUSY DRUNK OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS! DAD BOUGHT SHIT FOR YOUR WEDDING AND YOU FUCKING HIT THEM AND CALLED THEM A THING! NOW DAD IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! THEM AND AUNT ASHLEE LAID OUT IN THE FUCKING ACID RAIN!" Bandit screams and sobs out as Party begins panicking and falls to their knees while sobbing. "PAPA YOU SHOVED MOM WHEN SHE TRIED TO HELP UNCLE NAT!" Grace cried, tears ran down Ghoul's face. "T-They laid out in the acid rain?!" Ghoul cried to which Grace smacked him. "YES!" She yelled as Jet and Kobra entered the room.

"Why is everyone yelling?" Jet asks only to get a glass thrown at him by Val. Kobra jumps away as glass shatters against the wall and Jet glares at the man behind the counter of the bar, then Val marched over to Jet and stared him in the eyes. "I watch your damn kids, keep this place cleaned up, help plan all your fucking weddings, and then you four have the actual nerve to go out and get drunk off your asses! Then when Nat and Ashlee show up to propose you guys either hit em, shove em around, not help them at all, or yell at them!" Val yells as he looks around the room at the four.

"Now because of what you fuckers said Nat and Ashlee are both dead! Those two would've given you guys anything and everything! Hell they both already did! They came here and told us what happened at the diner before they left and it was in the middle of an acid storm!" Val continued as Jet and Kobra started crying. Party held the new ring in their hand and stared at it, "This was the one that we picked out together while we snuck into Bat City a few months back. It cost a fortune, but they still bought it." Party wiped his eyes and Bandit stood in front of him. "Damn Dad hit you back hard, better cover that up before someone sees and your damn ego gets hurt." She says sarcastically with an eye roll but Party glares at her. "Bandit Amber Way, drop the attitude or else!" Party says sternly but Bandit fires back, "What?! Or else you'll hit me like you hit Dad?!"

The room goes completely silent, "Bandit go to your room now...because if I have to put you in your room myself you're going to live with Uncle Pony." Party told her. "GOOD! SEND ME TO UNCLE PONY'S HOUSE! AT LEAST I'D ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T THINK I'M ANNOYING AND NEVER WANTED TO ADOPT ME! I'D HAVE SOMEONE WHO CARES AND DIDN'T HURT DAD BECA-!" Bandit was cut off by Party yelling over her. "BANDIT SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO!" Party gave Bandit a hateful glare before she turned around and went upstairs, Grace followed her soon after.

Kobra shakily took a step back away from his sibling. "G-Gerard, don't scream at the kids." He warned but Party snapped their glare back at him and stormed over. "Mikey mind your own fucking business! Is Bandit your kid?! No, didn't think so! Don't tell me how to treat that stupid brat!" Party yelled as Kobra's tears ran down his face. "You're not my fucking sibling, I don't know who the fuck you are but leave me alone!" Kobra cried out before walking upstairs. Party stood there for a minute and watched their little brother that he just made cry walk up the stairs. "Party, he was only trying to help." Ghoul said as he held the proposal ring Ashlee was going to give to him in his hands. Jet started crying harder and left the room. Party and Ghoul went over to the bar area and just sat down, hours passed as they talked back and forth with one another.

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