Chapter 29: The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

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Party rushed up to Nat who was holding a crying Bandit, "Why didn't you tell me?!" They exclaim to which Nat and Bandit looks at them. "When have we actually had the time to sit down and talk today?!" Nat sasses back and stands up. "Korse showed up first thing this morning and we've been dealing with that, you've been upset all damn day, then you proceed to yell at Bandit." Nat told Party who turned their gaze away from them.

Seconds later Party tears up and calls Bandit over and pulls her and Nat into a hug. "I'm sorry for...for being such an ass. I'm stressed." They explained to the two but Bandit punched them in the gut, "Yell like that at me again and you will be saying hi to the concrete outside." Party chuckled and Nat tucked their face in the crook of Party's neck. Ashlee and Shelby stood in the doorway behind Nat with threatening gazes aimed right into Party's soul.

*2 years later*

"Guys! Bug's about to say her first word!" Party exclaimed excitedly as the others rushed into the room. "It's ok Bug you got this, you're doing great." Nat encouraged as Bug looked around at the group who had gathered and she continued to try and say her first words. "P-P-Pa" She began to speak, "Aww she's gonna say Papa, Party looks like your the favorite." Ghoul jokes but Bug turned around in Nat's lap and softly hit Ghoul in the side which caused him to make a weird noise, Bug began laughing and clapping her hands before trying to speak again. And after a few moment she said her first words, "Papa P-Pickle." The kids began clapping and cheering as Nat and Party locked eyes. "Pickle!" Bug said louder and more forceful as Party picked her up.

The others who were in the room laughed hysterically at Bug's first words as Nat laid down on their shared bed tiredly. "She's gonna be like a little parrot, I can already tell." Kobra said with a chuckle as Bug stared at him and grabbed his sunglasses the tried to take them. "Party your kids trying to rob me." Kobra exclaimed but then Bug reached up and smacked him. "Bug don't hit people, that's bad." Party told Bug but afterwards Bug teared up and made grabby hands towards Nat who was sound asleep on the bed. "Kiddo, your dad's asleep...I don't wanna get beat to death by a very pissed off bear." Party told her as they gave her a Barbie doll that they had 'bought' from Tommy Chow Mein's store before she was born.

Bug held the doll and looked at it before looking Party in the eyes and raising her hand up to flip him off. Everyone in the room started laughing as Nat rolled over and saw what was going on. "Party, did you give her that doll again?" They ask as Bug grabs the doll by the hair and slings it around, nearly taking out Cherri when the body broke away from the connector piece in the head. "Control your kid! She's not even properly walking and she's already trying to kill people!" Cherri exclaimed but Bug stared at him and in the most threatening voice she could manage she said "Papa Pickle."

Shelby and Ashlee were talking with Nat and the three laughed before turning to look at Party who met their gazes, "What?" They asked but Bug tried to climb higher and grabbed Party's hair. "She's after Ghoul!" Ashlee laughed as Ghoul held Bug in his arms. "Don't just stare at her dude say something." Jet encouraged. "Hey Bug...What do you want?" Ghoul asks as Bug stares into his soul and smiles. "Guys your kid is fucking creepy!" Ghoul exclaimed only for Bug to grab his hand and poke at his tattoos, "Fumpkin!" Bug yells as she sees Ghoul's back tattoo partially uncovered by his tank top that was being reflected in the mirror behind him.

"Dada! Papa! A fumpkin!" She yells as the rest of the kids laugh Frankie runs over. "Hey Bug, wanna see his other tattoos?" Frankie laughs as Bug cheers and Ghoul puts her down so he can stop Frankie from pantsing him. "Frankie stop it! That's for your mom and dads to do!" Ghoul says as he tries to escape his kid. "WAIT WHAT?!" Iris and Willow exclaim at his previous statement as Ghoul, Ashlee, Kobra, and Jet all go red in the face. Korse walks into the room and Bug stumbles over to him and looks up at him, "Bald Bitch." She says and is quickly picked up by Party who looks at Korse.

"Kids...ya know." Party said with a chuckle as Korse held a finger out so Bug could hold it but Bug stuck the Barbie doll head on his finger and smacked it. Nat laughed and Shelby went over to Bug and handed her a stuffed pikachu plushie. "Pikchu!" She exclaimed and fought against Party's grip. When she got the toy she held it and yawned, but the sweet moment was short lived when she held the toy by the ears and smacked Val with it who had just walked into the room, "Pikchu says f-fuck you!" She cheered. As the room filled with laughter then Party sat her on the ground and she stood back up and tried to reach in their pockets. "Papa! Pickle!" She exclaimed sadly as Party bent down and asked her what she wanted only for her to reach in his pocket and grab out a keychain of MouseKat.

Bug laughs and stumbles over to Nat with it and starts jumping around as Nat pulls her up onto the bed. "B-Blue thing!" Bug exclaims happily as Bandit walks over and sits on the bed. "Sissy! Look at this th-thing!" Bug holds out the keychain and Bandit laughs. Soon everyone left the room which left Nat and Party to finally get some much needed sleep since Jet offered to occupy the kids for a while by teaching them how to swim and letting them play outside.

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