Chapter 36: Manipulator

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After Nat had woken up they immediately kicked in Ashlee, Ghoul, Jet, and Kobra's door and grabbed the keys to the Trans Am. "Bandit...Bug...If I don't make it back, take care of your third dad." Nat told their kids as Ashlee and Shelby told their kids to behave for Cherri and Dr. D while they were gone. "Val let's go." Ashlee called before getting into the passenger seat of the Trans Am. Shelby got into the back seat of the car as Val got into the newly refurbished and repaired trans am he found the first day at the new living space. "Do you guys need anything before you go?" Cherri asked but everyone told him no then the two cars sped off in the direction of the city. The car ride was silent except when Val would come over the radio and ask the occasional question or talk to the three in the car in front of him.

The sun began to set as the two cars made it to Zone 3, the neutrals of the zone looked at the cars in fear and preparation to attack if needed. "I think I know a couple more people we could pick up in zone 2 for more support." Val spoke over the radio before waiting a moment then continuing, "Their names are Vaya and Vamos. Their siblings and both of em act like Ghoul, think Frankie and Ghoul but taller and more...unpredictable."

Ashlee grabbed the radio and told him to bring the two because they need all the help they could get to even get close to Battery City. A few more minutes of silence passes before the group enters zone 2, the two cars pull up in front of a shop run by Tommy Chow Mein where they see a pink haired figure and an identical figure with blue hair. The two look out the window before rushing outside and tackling Val into a hug. "VAL! THE GROUPS SALT SHAKER IS BACK!" The twins yell in unison before turning to look at the other three who sat in Jet's Trans Am.

"Oh my fucking Destroya! It's actually you guys! Vaya! It's the zone jumpers!" The figure with pink hair called out. Soon both figures were swooning over the three and the car, "HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE POISON'S JACKET!" Vaya yelled to Vamos as the two jumped around before noticing Ashlee wearing Jet's jacket and Shelby wearing Cherri's. "Heard you three had sand pups with those assholes?" Vamos asked with a smirk but Val drug the twins back to his Trans Am and ushered them both into the backseat. "See you guys at the city." Val called as he got back into his car and Nat started the car.

*At the gates of Battery City*

Slowly the two cars pulled up to the gate before Shelby and Val shot out the cameras then Ashlee shot the guards. The gates opened and the two cars flew down the tunnel the car has seen so many times before. "Gonna have to be quick about this one...hopefully this doesn't mess up my hair." Vamos said over the radio as the cars slammed to a stop in front of the BL/IND headquarters. "We need a plan first!" Val yelled to Nat and Ashlee who grabbed their blasters and backpacks but the two didn't respond and kept walking. Dracs began shooting but the two shot them all dead before the bodies hit the ground, "Who are we rescuing?" Vaya asked in a hushed tone but Val just said they were here to save Ashlee and Nat's husbands. "Them two are gonna cause a cemetery drive if their husbands have a slight scratch on em." Val told Shelby but only got a glare in return.

"Welcome dear sand worms it's wonderful to have you back!" The Director said in a sing song tone. "That's it bitch! Why do you want the four so fucking bad?!" Nat yelled angrily at the giant TV screen that showed Director on it. "You killjoys really are a feisty group. Well you are too late, the killjoys you've once known are apart of my new experiments." Director said as the TV changed from her face to show Party, Ghoul, Kobra, and Jet bloodied against a white wall. "They all put up quiet a fight too, I was very impressed but now...they have other uses." Director continued as the camera zoomed in closer to the four. An X was visible on their arms, the sight caused everyone in the group to freeze. Nat and Ashlee's blood boiled at the sight but Shelby put one of her hands on one of her friends shoulders in case one of them tried to leave. "I can make a guarantee their brains are fully consumed by Plus at the moment." She spoke again way too happily but soon dracs flooded the room and Korse stood in front of the group.

Val gritted his teeth before raising his gun and shoot Korse in the wrist which made the gun fall to the floor with his hand still attached. Moments later all the dracs hit the floor from a single press of a button from Vaya and Vamos. "HELL YEAH! IT WORKS!" The siblings cheer as Val motions for Nat, Shelby, and Ashlee to go find the four before it was truly too late. The three run down the hallway and take down a few S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W guards every once in a while until the three reach the final room of the experiment room where they kick in the door and see the four, but their hair colors were different due to the group of dracs dying it.

Party's once bright hair was now yellow, Ghoul's black hair was now green, Jet's curly brown afro was now blue, and Kobra's hair was now a brighter red then what Party's was before the four had gotten kidnapped. The three shot the dracs then Ashlee and Nat sprinted over to the four who sat hurt against the snow white wall. "They're still alive, just unconscious." Ashlee told Nat who didn't meet her gaze and just moved the lemon colored hair from Party's face.  Ashlee ripped off the X on Jet's arm which made Jet open his eyes and met her gaze. "A-Ashlee?" He asked but then saw his hair dyed a bright blue which made him freeze before turning to see the others next to him. "Kobra's gonna be pissed and so's Party." Jet said before being pulled into a hug by Ashlee.

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