Chapter 17: AMBULANCE

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*one week later*

"Party, stop. If you're too scared to accept your emotions then I'm leaving." Nat said as Party blocked the doors that led into the sand covered parking lot. "No Nat you're staying here! You can't go out there, you'll get dusted!" Party yelled which made Nat flinch at the loudness. Party froze at the sight of Nat flinching but seconds later Nat shoved passed them and outside. "What's with the yelling?" Ashlee asked as her and Jet walked over from the stairs. "N-Nat left." Party mumbled as their eyes filled with tears. Ashlee tried to run outside but Jet stopped her. "Party, what happened?" Jet asked as Ashlee once again tried to go to the Durango.

"T-They said they loved me for the first time and...I froze." Party spoke shakily. "You mean to tell us you and Nat have been together for destroys only knows how fucking long and neither of you have told each other you loved each other?!" Shelby exclaimed from the other side of the room. "We need to find Nat before they get ghosted!" Ashlee and Shelby yell in unison but the idea was quickly shut down by Jet and Cherri by saying it was too dangerous. "If Nat isn't back by sunrise tomorrow morning then we'll look for them." Cherri said before Party launched a glass bottle at him, "You really expect me to just fucking sit around whenever Nat is out there somewhere and could die at any minute?!" They yell then storm off. Jet sighs and goes after Party as Ashlee and Shelby head to the Durango, Cherri follows them close behind incase the two got ambushed by draculoids. In the car the three decide to search the zones by the getaway mile but the three soon see Nat walking on the side of the road.

"Nat get in the car!" Shelby yells but Nat refuses to even turn around. Cherri rolls down his window and calls for Nat only to receive the middle finger being shown to him as Nat kept walking. "NAT! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR!" Ashlee yells but Nat still keeps walking. Ashlee sighs and stops the car before her and Shelby got out and ran up behind Nat then tackled them to the ground. "NO! I'M NOT GOING BACK!" Nat exclaimed but Ashlee and Shelby pulled them towards the car. "Well we aren't asking! So get in the car!" Both Shelby and Ashlee say sternly in unison. Moments later Nat is thrown into the car, taking a look at the person in the seat nest to them Nat groaned in annoyance. "Get Cherri the hell away from me!"

Shelby threw a water bottle at Nat and told them to shut up. The car ride back to the hotel was silent except for Shelby and Ashlee questioning Nat on what happened between them and Party and why they tried to run away. Nat didn't answer a single question and back at the hotel they tried to run again only to be caught by Val who was waiting outside with Jet and Ghoul. Nat was then drug back over to the group as they fought against Val's grip. "Party told us what happened, Kobra's with em right now. Don't worry we've already rung him out about it." Jet told Nat who then turned around and pimp slapped Val then was grabbed by the arms and drug back into the hotel by Kobra. "I know what Nat and Party need, a good game of mayonnaise roulette." Ghoul exclaims cheerfully while wiggling his eyebrows.

Nat went red in the face then told Ghoul to shut the hell up. The group waited with Nat in the lobby room/Hooters room of the hotel while Kobra went to hunt down Party. Moments later Party gets pushed out of a room and over to Nat, "Now makeup! I'm tired of the crap!" Shelby and Ashlee yelled in unison. Party reached their hand out slowly and Nat grabbed it while looking them in the eyes. "Are you two idiots going to say anything or what?!" Cherri asked tiredly. Nat and Party flip him off and go back to looking at each other. "You can really feel the sexual tension." Ghoul mumbles to Kobra. Party glares at him and their little brother but Nat pulls them close, laying their face in the crook of Party's neck and hugging them tighter. Party's face blushes bright red.

"PARTY HUG THEM BACK OR I'M GOING OVER THERE AND BEATING YOU!" Jet yelled as Party shakily hugged Nat. Ashlee smacked Ghoul before he could make another comment but he still said it anyways. "YOU TWO NEED TO JUST PLAY MAYONNAISE ROULETTE ALREADY! IT'LL HELP YOU TWO MAKEUP!" Cherri and Shelby looked at one another but Cherri shook his head no and the two went over to sit at the bar area. After a few moments pass and the four kids come running down the stairs, "WE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS!" They all scream in unison. "We need to host a goddamn wedding." Frankie says in a serious tone. "Ashlee, what is up with your kids?" Val asks but Grace starts yelling at him.

After watching the argument they all look over to see Nat and Party gone. "THEY'RE GETTING READY FOR THE WEDDING! WE NEED TO HELP THEM!" Iris yells as the four try to run upstairs. Ghoul, Jet, Kobra, and Ashlee's eyes widen as they stop the kids. "Kiddos, those two need...time alone for a bit." Jet tries to explain but Frankie understands what he's getting at. "You mean to tell us Uncle Party and Uncle Nat are gonna fuck?!" She yells which makes the room go silent. "To put it lightly...yeah that's what he's saying." Ghoul tells the four who are now taking bets on if the kid will be a boy or a girl. Ashlee and Shelby both facepalm while Kobra tells the kids to stop because he doesn't want to think about it. "I'll break your neck if side boy." Grace said to her dad who laughed and said "I think it'll be a boy." Grace started chasing him along with the other three kids who joined in.

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