Chapter 11: Destroya

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*2 days later*

"I swear to destroya and all of zone 6 if someone doesn't stop that fucking guitar I'm gonna lose my shit!" Shelby yelled as she marched downstairs and over to Cherri Cola who sat on the lobby sofa. "Where did it sound like it was coming from?" Ashlee asked casually. "Top floor, why?" Shelby responded. Ashlee shook her head before walking towards the stairs but her kids soon stop her. "Mama! Help Uncle Kobra! He's crying! What do you think is wrong!?" Iris asks sadly. "I'll go talk to him, you kiddos stay here." She told her kids quietly then walked up the stairs to the top floor where Kobra's room was. The sound of a guitar and crying were audible through the walls and door. Ashlee knocks on the door and opens it to see Kobra sitting on his floor plucking his guitar and weeping, he looks up at her and quickly pushes the instrument away then hides himself away.

Ashlee walks into his room and over to him. "Kobra, what's wrong?" She asks only to not get a response as Kobra cries harder than before. But after a few moments pass he looks up at her with his glowing red eyes. "I-I've tried! I've fucking t-tried!" He sobs then begins shaking. Ashlee pulls him into a hug and runs his back. "What do you mean you've tried?" She asked softly to him as he hid his face in her neck. "I've given everything I had to Shelby, I've fought for her, I've done everything to make her happy, I've even given up my old job for her sake! Now she's with Cherri and I'm fucking alone again! I'M ALWAYS THE ONE ALONE!" He begins to cry harder but soon he falls limp in Ashlee's arms, passed out cold. Ashlee holds him in her arms as he lays soundly. She lays him on his bed and covers him up but then notices a half empty bottle of BL/IND pills on his nightstand. She freezes in shock and looks at Kobra who was still unconscious on his bed. She grabs the pills and rushes downstairs to the others. 

Party and Nat were the only ones in the room other than the kids who look at her in confusion but once she sets the pills down and when Party hears what happened they know something is wrong. "HE DID WHAT?!" Party yells before rushing up the stairs. Nat and Ashlee follow close behind, on the way Ashlee wakes Ghoul and Jet up and tells them what happened. The three get to Kobra's room and see Nat trying to wake Kobra up while Party paced around the room. "He's alive, he just passed out from exhaustion." Nat said in relief then held Kobra's hand.

*time skip*

The sun had just began to set over the horizon when Kobra awoke. He felt someone holding his hand and he looked down to see Party sleeping soundly in a chair beside the bedside. "Gee? What happened?" Kobra asked with tears in his eyes as his older sibling wakes up. "Ashlee said you passed the fuck out then she found BL/IND pills. I told you to stop taking those fucking things!" Party told their little brother sternly before standing. "Party stop, we can talk about this with him later! He just woke up." Nat says as they grab Party's hand and looked them in the eyes. "Look at him Gee! He's shaken up and heartbroken!" Nat says after Party scoffs and jerks their hand away. "Where's Shelby? I need to see her, it's important." Kobra says to somewhat defuse the tension. "She took off with Cherri Cola a while ago after Ashlee told us about the pills." Nat said sadly as they looked towards Kobra who began to weep.

"SO SHE REALLY DOES THING I'M A FREAK! I GOT BIT TRYING TO PROTECT HER AND NOW SHE HATES ME!" Kobra sobbed loudly as Party hugs him closely and Nat massages his scalp then moves their hands down to rub his back comfortingly. Kobra could only cry harder and harder, unable to hold it in any longer. "Party, you stay here with your brother. Me and Ashlee will go get the supplies from Dr. D and Show Pony." Nat says before kissing Party on the cheek and walking out of the room to go find Ashlee. Once at the bottom floor Nat grabs their gun and tells Ashlee the plan, both walk over to the Trans Am and tells the others they'll be back soon. The two drove down the Getaway Mile to Dr. D's radio shack, Show Pony was quick to greet them due to Ashlee being his younger sister.

Pony gave the two the supplies and helps load it up but after coming back inside the radio shack the three hear Cherri Cola and Shelby's laughter. "I take it that she broke up with Kobra again?" Pony asks quietly enough so Dr. D wouldn't hear. "Yeah, he's fucking heartbroken. He was taking BL/IND pills and also we have a bit of a problem besides the breakup." Nat tells him, Pony gives a confused look. "The four dumbasses got bit by vampire bats at our new base." Ashlee whispers to her brother. Pony freezes, taking a deep breath then asking "So they are all...vampires?" Nat and Ashlee nodded then the sound of Dr. D's voice came from down the hall. "Hey Pony? Where's the Thursday night mix at?" Pony sighed and skated down the hallway to go help Dr. D. Shelby and Cherri Cola walked out of the side room and she froze when she saw Nat and Ashlee standing in front of her.

"Kobra is heartbroken and Party is pissed at the both of you." Nat told her only to get shoved backwards by Cherri. "Well the freak shows can be pissed off and heartbroken all they want! And besides after the bites Shelby's told me so much about, they can all burn in hell for all I care!" Cherri says bitterly. Ashlee tried to punch him but got knocked to the ground by a hard punch to the side of the face. Cherri then takes Shelby to the other room with Show Pony and Dr. D before coming back and almost shooting both Nat and Ashlee. The two shoot at him but he dodged and grabbed both by their necks and threw them outside. Nat hit the hood of the Trans Am and Ashlee landed in front of the car. "You two morons and your freaks are gonna stay away from me and Shelby, or you'll be dusted on route fucking Guano." Cherri said before spitting in the twos direction and going back inside the radio shack.

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