Chapter 37: Straight Jacket

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*back at the new killjoy nest*

The two Trans Ams pull up at the amusement park they had started calling home. Everyone rushed over to the cars, Dr. D was the first to notice the X shaped cuts on Ghoul, Party, Jet, and Kobra's arms. "What the hell did those pigs do to them poor joys?!" He asked as Ashlee stepped out of the car, a cut on her lower lip that had dried blood blanketed over the top of it as she helped a dizzy Jet out of the backseat. "HOLY SHIT! CHERRI IS THAT YOU?!" Vamos yells as they throw themself out of the backseat and Vaya's lap before running over to greet him. Vaya is a few steps behind but both twins freeze when they notice the two babies cradled in his arms. "Awww! Little sand pups! What're their names?" Both asked in unison. Shelby walked over and gently took Steeley from Cherri's arms, soon the four began talking and laughing together.

Pony ran up to Nat who was pale and sweating while struggling not to collapse while carrying Party's unconscious form back to the area they all called houses. "What happened in the city?" Pony asked as they took Party from Nat's arms. Suddenly Nat collapsed on the ground, Val rushed over and helped Pony get both them and Party back to their shared bed. Bandit and Bug rushed behind the group and asked what was wrong and why Party's hair was bright yellow. Ghoul woke up and started gasping for air which made Dr. D rush over and begin comforting him and rubbing his back. "Is papa gonna be ok?" Frankie asked after seemingly appearing out of thin air, "I sure hope so kiddo." Dr. D responded hesitantly as Ashlee rushed back over to the car.

"LET GO OF ME! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU GUYS!" Ghoul yelled as he struggled to get away from Dr. D's firm grip. Ashlee grabbed Kobra from the car gently but he woke up and started crying. "B-Burns!" Kobra cried out as he covered his eyes from the sun. Ashlee places his sunglasses over his eyes and Kobra whimpers before tucking his face in the crook of Ashlee's neck while she carried him. Ghoul closed his eyes tightly and let out an inhuman growl before swiping his hand across Dr. D's arm and cutting it open with his now sharp nails. "Papa...what happened to you?" Frankie asked shakily with tears in her eyes as Dr. D tried to stop the bleeding. "Frankie get out of here before he hurts you too!" Dr. D warns as Frankie looks at her dad with worried eyes full of tears that threatened to fall.

She ran off seconds later but when Ghoul tried to stop her Dr. D smacked him. "You're too dangerous! Stay away from my grandkids and my daughter before you fucking hurt them too!" He warned Ghoul before pulling him out of the car and slamming the door then stroking across the street back to his shack. Ghoul tried to stand but fell seconds later, "You ok man?" Vaya asked as Vamos helped Ghoul stand properly. Ghoul could only shake his head no and look at the sand to avoid the twins seeing his tears.

*later that night*

"I finally got the kids to sleep and got my hair back to normal, did you wanna watch a movie together?" Jet asked Ashlee, Kobra, and Ghoul. Kobra and Ashlee agreed but Ghoul didn't respond or even turn to meet Jet's gaze. "Ghoul, Are you ok?" Jet asks to which Ghoul nods and moves off the bed with a blanket and pillow in hand then shakily stumbles out of the room and over to the sofa in the darkened side room of the place the group claimed as their house then tossed the pillow down before covering himself with the blanket. Jet walks into the room but then he notices Ghouls's eyes began glowing green. "Dude if you're scared of making us radioactive it's ok, the sun already does that." Jet told him with a chuckle before scooping Ghoul up off the dusty couch and carrying him back to the bed where Kobra and Ashlee laid.

Ghoul kept his face hidden under the blanket and pillow as he felt himself be laid down on the bed. "Ghoul uncover your face so you can breath." Ashlee told him but instead of getting an answer Ghoul just scooted away but ended up falling off the bed and hitting the concrete floor. "MY BABY!" Ashlee cried as she practically threw herself off the bed to check on Ghoul but only saw him trying to grab the pillow before she saw him but then he locked gazes with her. His eyes glowed green, his teeth were noticeable sharper along with his nails, small horns had grown out of his forehead, and a devil tail peaked from underneath the blanket that still partially covered his body. "I-I..." Ghoul started to speak but soon broke out into sobs as he scooted back into the corner of the room. Jet moved closer to Ghoul and held him but Ghoul only cried harder but soon Kobra and Ashlee moved closer to the two and Ghoul's hand was brought up to feel Jet's hair as two fluffy ears appeared. "WHAT DID BL/IND DO TO YOU GUYS?!" Ashlee exclaimed after being caught of guard. "Well...the experiments they did on us kinda gave us powers.

"Ghoul's a demon, I'm a werewolf, and Kobra can turn stuff to stone if he really wants to by glaring at it." Jet explained but Ashlee froze before asking what they did to Party. The three boys look at each other before Kobra speaks up, "They're...a Vampire again. Apparently when they got bit by the bat a while back the powers never really left their system so the experiments only boosted the powers and made some stuff harder for them to control." Jet partially shifted into his werewolf form and flopped down on the bed before being joined by Kobra and Ashlee. Ghoul whimpered and tucked himself into a ball on the floor but Ashlee scooped him up and put him in bed then latched herself onto him so he couldn't get up even if he tried.

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