Chapter 34: Happy Together

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Sandman kicked his feet up on the coffee table with his boots still on which caused sand and dust to get all over the hard wooden surface. "You're cleaning that up." Val told him from behind the counter at the bar with a glare. "No, that's what those fucks have you for. Huh janitor bitch? You gonna do something?" Sandman taunted as Val pulled out his gun but before he could shoot the dark haired male on the couch the door was kicked open by the killjoys. "We found a better place to live!" Ghoul exclaimed proudly. "It's an abandoned amusement park." Jet explained as he walked over to Val. The kids ran downstairs and began asking questions until Ghoul told them about the animatronic clowns in the fake circus tent.

"No thank you bitch!" Iris and Willow exclaim in unison. Sandman walks over and smacks both of them, "Your parents didn't raise you I can tell." Moments later Ghoul had Sandman on the ground and gave him one clean punch to the face which caused his nose to break and blood to ooze onto the floor. "Apologize to my fucking kids before I rip you arms clean off your damn body!" Ghoul yelled as Sandman laughed. Iris and Willow went over to Jet and cried into his sides while Val tried to cheer them up by making jokes about the bugs on the containers of Bug Juice. Ghoul proceeded to break one of Sandman's wrists but before he could break the other one he was pulled away by Cherri. "What are you doing Ghoul?!" Cherri exclaimed but Ghoul bit his hand and immediately went back trying to rip Sandman apart.

Cherri then saw Iris and Willow crying as Val and Jet tried to comfort them both. "Did he hit them?!" Cherri asked to which Ghoul nodded before breaking Sandman's other wrist. "What's going on?" Ashlee and Kobra asked as the two walked down the stairs. "This mother fucker hit Iris and Willow because they said bitch! So I broke his nose and both his wrists and it's about to be his entire rib cage if he doesn't apologize." Ghoul told the two. Ashlee grabbed a nail gun that was sitting on a box then shot nails through Sandman's hands.

The man let out a scream of pain but Ashlee kicked him and told him to shut up, "Kobra told me what you did to him you son of a bitch! And let's just say Party has something planned for you and it ain't pretty. Also you don't touch my kids!" Ashlee yelled as Party, Nat, and Shelby walked downstairs. Party went over and grabbed Sandman by the neck and dug him over to the basement door, Val gave Nat and Ashlee looks of concern but after the two caught onto the look both tried to stop Party but it was too late. Party opened the basement door to reveal a skeleton like figure tied to a chair with ginger hair. Jet, Ghoul, and Kobra gather around and see the man, the three freeze behind Party and Kobra shakily tears up as he backs away. "How the hell did he get here?!" Jet exclaims but Party turns to face Nat, Ashlee, and Val. "You three said you got rid of him...what's he doing back?" Party asks as he shoves Sandman into the basement before walking over to the three.

"Gee...he was working for BL/IND! We used him to get information!" Nat told Party but they just scoffed. "So all those times I fucking asked you what you did with him you fucking lied to me?!" Party yelled as Nat teared up. "I knew you'd only be pissed off if I told you!" Nat yelled back. "Of course I'd be pissed off! Lying to me about that fucker just made it worse!" Party screamed in retaliation. "Gerard! Enough!" Val stepped in and earned a death glare from Party. "Don't act like you haven't lied to me the entire damn time! You're always lying about something!" Nat pointed their finger against Party's chest while staring into their eyes. "Stop arguing!" Pony yelled as they skated in from outside, Party glared at them. "Pony you don't fucking understand!" Party yelled but Pony tugged both them and Nat by the wrists back upstairs after they took off their skates. Ghoul slammed the door closed and locked it before going over to comfort Kobra. "Not to change the subject or anything but how the hell are we gonna move all this shit to the new hideout?" Shelby asked which made everyone stop and think. "Damn it!" Jet exclaims.

*after packing up and leaving the hotel*

"This is going to be the best skate park ever!" Pony exclaims as they throw their hands in the air with celebration. Bug and Bandit do the same seconds later while cheering as Party turns to Nat. Val and Frankie open up the old graffitied concession stand to see two cats one of them had big eyes and a high pitched meow while the other one looked angry and had a manly meow that made him sound like Randy Savage or a death metal singer. The manly cat was buff and covered in fluffy white fur with green eyes while the high pitched cat was calico with blue and brown eyes. "MAMA CAN WE KEEP THEM?!" Frankie exclaims happily as she picks up the buff cat and takes him over to Jet.

Val reaches his hand out to touch the calico cat only for her to open her mouth and try to inhale his finger. "This place is great!" Shelby and Cherri exclaim in unison as the two of them hold Seeley and Phoenix in their arms. Jet looked down to see Frankie holding the buff cat happily, "What are you going to called him and the calico cat?" Jet asked while holding Ember in his arms. "He says he goes by Buffy and the other cat is Coco." Frankie says plainly after the buff cat lets out a meow which startles Kobra and Jet as Ghoul's curiosity grows. "Nat...what area do we want to take?" Party asks but Nat just shrugs and turns away. "Nat, I didn't mean to yell. I was just irritated and pissed off." Party explained but Nat turned to face them. "It's the same damn excuse every time." They told them before walking off to go meet the cats.

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