602.Adopted Siblings

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“You did well, my dear. Property prices have been rising recently. Sehun really made a good deal on this.” Tzuyu suddenly thought of something. “You and your brother are really close. He gave you so much money at a go.”

“…” Lisa fell silent for a moment.

She did not wish to tell Tzuyu that her brother had feelings for her. She was worried that Tzuyu wouldn’t be able to accept it.

There were certain things that should be left unsaid between friends. Otherwise, it would only cause hurt.

Tzuyu was an especially good girl. Perhaps one day, her elder brother would really fall for her. Besides, she hoped that her brother’s feelings for her could stay hidden forever.

After a few seconds, Lisa found a suitable excuse. “Oh, my brother gave me the money to help him with his case. You know that I spent a lot of money on lawyer fees and for hiring professionals to help me locate Wang Liangping. Since I had enough money on my own, I decided to help my brother with it.”

In fact, this was also the truth.

If she did not have the money to help her brother, that sum would definitely have been prioritised for clearing his name.

Tzuyu did not suspect anything. “You siblings are really close. Sehun is so lucky to have a sister like you.”

“He’ll be even luckier if he marries you. My brother is an introvert and doesn’t tend to take the initiative. My dear, you have to work hard!”

“Don’t worry. I’m full of motivation!”

The two of them chatted for a while longer before ending the call.

Tzuyu deliberated over this and decided not to tell Sehun that the Hong Sheng district was registered under his name. Otherwise, it could reignite his efforts to chase her away.

Lisa had already completed the make-up exams for the classes she previously flunked. She managed to score the highest in the entire school year every single time.

Time had flown by and a year had passed. She was now a Year 3 student.

Lisa rarely visited school. However, her grades were good and Jungkook was also protecting her. Thus, no one commented on her absence.

On this day, Lisa was sunbathing in the Yu Ting Villa’s yard. Jungkook sat by her side and thoughtfully peeled an apple for her.

She received it from him and took a bite. As she soaked in his doting gaze, she felt especially blissful.

Jungkook brought her into his arms and pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Lisa, I have to make a trip to the company.”

“Go ahead.” She waved her hand.

The period after her mother’s burial, he had guarded closely by her side, refusing to leave for even a moment. Although a year had passed, he still stayed constantly close to her. She was deeply moved by his actions.

“You have to be obedient at home,” he instructed with some worry.

She lifted her chin and watched as he departed. Her gaze was filled with yearning.

She was growing more and more clingy. She did not wish to separate from him for even a moment.

The sunlight was bright and its golden rays seemed to envelop the entire city. However, in the next moment, dark clouds were forming.

It seemed to hint that Lisa’s peaceful days were about to be interrupted.

She stood up and returned to the villa’s living room.

She reached for the remote control and clicked on to see the television broadcasting a particular news:

[The Jeon family’s adopted daughter, Jeon Nancy, was actually the powerful Bruschweiler Group’s Director’s daughter. The Bruschweiler Group had finally found its successor!]

When Lisa saw this news, her pupils shrunk for a moment. She clenched her fists tightly.

Jungkook’s deceased uncle did not have the ability to conceive. However, he had two adopted children. They were Mingyu and Nancy.

In other words, Mingyu and Jungkook were adopted siblings.

Once she married into the Jeon home, these two people would have to address her as ‘sister-in-law’.

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