647.Valuable Tool

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She was the woman Jungkook would love and dote on for the rest of his life.

Lisa laid in Jungkook's arms comfortably as she scrolled through her phone. She found a news article claiming that the Sheng Shi Group was interested in acquiring the gaming company under Qiao Yang Finance Group. She asked him with some surprise. "Are you interested in acquiring it?"

Jungkook glanced at the news articles. "Those are just rumours. It's likely that another company is interested and intentionally released those rumours to test waters."

"I thought you were interested."

"I can't help but wish I could give everything I own to you. How could I possibly acquire your company?" He hooked his index finger and brushed it against the top of her nose dotingly.

She smiled happily. "Listen to me. What I meant was that if you're interested in acquiring the companies I own, there's no need to go through any trouble. Just tell me and I'll happily offer them to you."

Although he was not interested in her possessions, he was still deeply moved by her words. "Lisa..."


He embraced her tightly and spoke heavily. "You're so good to me."

"You're even better to me." She returned his hug and felt her heart being filled up by him.

Jungkook kissed her lips lovingly.

The night burned brightly with their effort to 'create a human'...

The next day was a Saturday and there was no need to attend work.

Lisa was dressed in a white set of casualwear with a simple handbag in her hands. She stood waiting in the Jeon family's mansion's front yard.

Nancy noticed her beautiful silhouette from afar. Although she was dressed simply, her noble and stunning aura could not be concealed.

Her heart was filled with envy as she approached her. Still, she smiled and greeted her. "Miss Lee, are you preparing to head out?"

"That's right." Since the other party was polite, Lisa had no reason to be rude to her, for now.

Her chauffeur, Soobin, drove an extremely extravagant Astin Martin car into the front yard. He came to a stop right by Lisa's side.

"I really envy you. My cousin actually bought ten different luxury cars for you to drive as you please." Nancy frowned, a hint of disappointment flashing past her eyes. "Unlike me, the Jeon family only bought a Mercedes Benz worth a few hundred thousand dollars for me."

"Jungkook really spent too much." Lisa responded indifferently. "I would rather he spent more frugally."

She genuinely felt that Jungkook was too generous when it came to giving her money.

Nancy however, assumed that Lisa was showing off. A hint of rage flashed past her eyes.

Mingyu also approached them at this moment. Lisa's beauty shone through despite how simply she was dressed. He could not help but be taken aback.

Each time he met this woman, he always found her to be more beautiful than before!

Furthermore, he truly did not expect her to be the internationally renowned fashion designer, Lili! When he first learned of this news, his jaw had nearly fallen onto the ground.

Mingyu smiled at Lisa in what he assumed was a charming, refined manner. "I wonder if I should address you as Lisa or Lili?"

"Please address me as Madam Jeon." Lisa corrected him.

"Lisa, we grew up together. Let's not argue about the way to address each other." His gaze shifted onto the Aston Martin parked by the side. "Where are you preparing to go? Do you need me to give you a ride?"

"I have my own chauffeur." Lisa did not pay him any attention. She climbed into the backseat of the Aston Martin. Her chauffeur, Soobin, then smoothly drove out of the Jeon family's mansion.

Nancy saw as the car faded away into the distance and made a spitting sound in anger. "She thinks she's so amazing for having caught Jungkook. In the end, isn't she just relying on her appearance?"

Mingyu took in his sister's upset expression. "Jungkook liked her even when she was ugly. She isn't relying on her appearance. She is relying on her body. Of course, considering that she is a famous fashion designer, she also has some ability."

Since Jungkook treated her the same regardless of her appearance, it meant that she was an extremely valuable tool.

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