681.Yu Ting Villa Maid

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Mingyu asked her. "That maid looks quite familiar. Where have I seen her before?" He then slapped his own head. "It's the Yu Ting Villa maid. I met her in Jungkook's Yu Ting Villa. Why is she here at the old Jeon family's mansion?"

"She was always a maid from the old Jeon mansion. She's quite quick-witted and managed to work at the Yu Ting Villa for several years because she won Elder Jeon's favour. She's just been transferred back." Nancy smiled and replied. "Right now, she is the Elder's personal maid."

"Do you mean that she is trying to seduce the elder?"

"You're looking down on her appetite." Nancy smiled mockingly. "The man she likes is not the old man who refuses to die, Jeon Chongshan. It's the young Jungkook."

"I really can't tell." Mingyu appeared deep in thought.

"There's a lot you fail to notice. How could the people serving the Elder be simple in any way?" Nancy continued mockingly. "Back then, Lisa was so ugly. Did you notice that she is actually a stunning beauty?"

"Fine. I admit that I'm blind." Mingyu's expression was slightly heavy.

"Ahin, this maid, will be extremely useful in the future!" Nancy smiled calculatively.

"Don't talk about the future. Let's talk about the present." Mingyu frowned. "After tomorrow, Lisa will be Jungkook's formal wife in the eyes of the public. Your beautiful dream is about to be ruined."

"Hmph." Nancy harrumphed coldly. "At the moment, it seems like only Elder Jeon has the ability to stop the wedding."

"That old thing can barely wait for Jungkook to get married. How could he possibly stop the wedding?" Mingyu hated the surname 'Jeon'. This was because though he carried the surname as well, he was not acknowledged as a member of the Jeon family.

"That's not within his control." Nancy's smile was especially 'graceful'.

That evening, the Jeon family's elder, Jeon Chongshan, became seriously ill and fell into a coma. He was immediately sent to the Sheng Shi Group's Jia Ya Hospital.

On the thirty-eighth floor of Jia Ya Hospital, Grandfather Jeon was admitted into one of the hospital suites in the VIP patient ward.

Jungkook, Lisa as well as Nancy's family of three stood inside the hospital.

Even Jeon Hong and Ye Yunzhi rushed over in a hurry.

"Doctor, how is my father doing right now?" Jeon Hong immediately asked the moment he stepped into the hospital room.

Doctor Guo Yi began seriously. "Elder Jeon suffered a heart attack and is currently in a coma. The situation isn't very optimistic right now."

"When will he wake up?"

"We can't be certain about that. It might take a few days, but it may also..." Doctor Guo's words meant that there was a possibility Jeon Chongshan would never wake up.

Jeon Hong's expression was heavy.

Guo Yi scanned the room. "Quiet should be maintained in the hospital room. It would be best if only one or two family members remain to watch the patient. Everyone else should return." Saying so, he left the hospital room.

Nancy immediately volunteered. "Uncle, Auntie, please go home first. I'll stay behind to take care of Grandfather."

Jeon Hong and Ye Yunzhi were unmoved by her way of addressing them.

"You're not the elder's actual blood relative." Jeon Hong responded. "How could we make you stay behind?"

Nancy was directly and clearly humiliated. She lowered her head in embarrassment.

Mingyu spoke heavily. "In that case, we will trouble you guys to decide who should stay behind."

"We will wait outside." Huang Zhishu knew that their presence was unwanted. She tugged her children to the hallway outside.

This was the patient's ward for the VIP.. There were comfortable chairs scattered all across the hallway.

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