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"Get straight to the point!"

"I apologise on Jingrou's behalf. She shouldn't have caused trouble at your company. It's still a light punishment for her to be detained for three days." Mingyu watched her in infatuation.

At the thought that she was the director behind the wealthy Jiao Yang Finance Group, his heart was filled with all sorts of unpleasant feelings.

If he had accepted her feelings back then, Jiao Yang Finance Group would be his today!

He recalled Lisa's feelings for him in the past and felt certain that she still loved him.

Thus, he summoned up his courage to confess. "Lisa, I love you!"

Lisa came to a halt. She stared at him in disbelief. Did he take the wrong medicine? Instead of begging for mercy on his sister's behalf, he was actually confessing to her?

Unbeknown to them, the first thing Jungkook did after finishing his work was to return to the Jeon family's old mansion to inquire about his newly wed wife's whereabouts.

The helper informed him that she was in the backyard and he soon came searching for her.

When Jungkook saw that Mingyu was also present, he paused behind the rock garden. He wanted to see what tricks Mingyu had to pull.

This foolish thing. He actually dared to confess to his wife. He had to be tired of living!

But then, he recalled the unconcealable feelings Lisa used to hold for Mingyu.

Although he was fully aware of Lisa's feelings right now, his cold, frozen heart could not help but be unhappy.

"Lisa, I know that you don't love Jungkook at all." His gaze was loving. "You only love his power and wealth, don't you?"

Jungkook began to feel anxious.

He was deeply afraid Lisa would give an answer that would drive him to murder someone.

"I already have enough money." Lisa's expression was indifferent.

But Mingyu remained firm. "No one would complain about having too much money. By becoming Madam Jeon, you're able to stand at the highest point of this world. Thus, you're in love with Jungkook's money! And the man you actually love is me!"

Lisa smiled mockingly and responded coldly. "Mingyu, I don't owe you any explanations for my feelings or actions. You're not good enough! Still, as your cousin-in-law, I don't mind telling you this out of the goodness of my heart. I won't deny that I do like Jungkook's money."

Hidden behind the shadows, Jungkook's expression had turned cold. His body appeared to be covered in a frigid cold layer of frost.

Lisa sensed the piercing gaze from around the corner and could not help but shiver.

Mingyu lit up with a smile. "I knew it. You're not sincere towards Jungkook. You..."

"Stop!" Lisa cut off his wishful thinking. "Let me ask you this first. Setting aside the enormous wealth Jungkook possesses, don't you similarly love the Jeon family's money? If you don't like it, why is your family of three still clinging onto the Jeon family?"

"I..." Mingyu had no way of refuting this.

Lisa's expression was indifferent as she pointed out. "Everyone loves money. Anyone who claims otherwise is always being untruthful. Why did I work so hard to start my own company? To earn money. And what for? It's so that one day, I'll be good enough for Jungkook. Jungkook is someone who is standing on the highest peak of this world. I would be lying if I claimed I didn't not like his money. However, I love him even more. Compared to him, his money is of no significance to me. I've never desired his money. If Jungkook somehow ends up losing all his wealth one day, I would still love him."

Behind the corner, Jungkook was deeply moved by her words. This was his wife. She was honest, beautiful and genuine.

Pampered Wife's Counterattack | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now