774.Last Wish

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"Everything has already been done. I don't wish to listen to anyone's lecture." Nancy appeared numb.

She turned to Jungkook and watched as he wrapped his arms gently around Lisa. She suddenly said, "Cousin, is Lisa really that great? It's been so many years. Is she really so wonderful that your eyes never turned in my direction even once?"

"Do you wish to know why?" Jungkook's voice was cold and heavy. It did not hold the slightest feelings for her.

"Why?" Nancy wanted to know this too much.

A hint of disdain flashed past Jungkook's dark and distant gaze. "Because you're dirty. No matter how refined or graceful you act, you can never conceal the greed and filth in your soul."

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Nancy burst into laughter. Her voice was filled with misery.

Jungkook found her laughter a horrid noise. "Servants, seal her lips up!"

"Wait." Nancy rushed to stop. "Cousin, I have a wish. I don't believe that after being the Bai family's adopted daughter for over twenty years, the Bai family's elders won't have any feelings for me. Your parents are one thing, but I wish to have a phone call with Grandfather Jeon Chongshan."

Jungkook clasped his hands together and rested them on his lap. He appeared noble and graceful. "There's no need."

"I'm doomed to die. Considering that I'm a member of the Bai family, won't you grant me my final wish?"

Jungkook smiled cruelly. "I like it best when the dead pass on with their grievances undealt and unresolved."

Nancy teared up miserable. Her smile turned soft and beautiful. "It's precisely because I understand that you're ruthless and cruel. I also understand that you will never be interested in me. That is why I sent someone to assassinate you two years ago when you were at the border. A few days ago, I similarly arranged for assassins to hide in ambush and take your life. That is because I won't allow Lisa to have the man I can't have!"

"Is that so?" It wasn't clear if Jungkook believed in her. He felt that things weren't as simple as she made it sound. Still, he asked with some interest. "Tell me more about it. A woman like you, how did you manage to contact and move those assassins?"

Nancy did not go into the details. She only responded with four words. "Money can do anything."


Lisa narrowed her eyes. She felt that the person who had tried to murder Jungkook wasn't Nancy.

Those assassins were simply too capable. Money alone was unlikely to move them.

Jungkook's sharp gaze swept past Nancy. He appeared to see right through her. "You're admitting to this crime voluntarily. Who are you trying to protect?"

"I was the one who did it. Forget it if you won't believe me." Nancy pursed her lips and fell silent.

Huang Zhishu suddenly brought her phone out and dialed Elder Chongshan's number. She hurriedly said, "Father, Nancy is in trouble. You have to save her..."

Jeon Chongshan's voice could be heard from the other end. "Jungkook has already informed me that she attempted to murder someone for money. Her death will evoke no pity from me!"

"But Father, no matter what, she is still your adopted granddaughter. Over the years, she has been considerably obedient in the Bai family..."

"Obedient?" Chongshan smiled coldly. "The fishes in the old mansion's lake all died overnight because she poisoned them. The dogs also howled in the middle of the night because she injected them with a drug. Even Hao Changsheng, the male servant who attempted to stab me... though it appears that he died from a heart attack, in truth, he was hypnotised by Nancy. I've already located his apartment and found the medicine he was taking for his heart condition prior to his death. They were all replaced with something else."

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