761.More Trust

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In other words, if Nancy and her family only made small mistakes, the Jeon family's elders would actually tolerate it.

In the past, these matters were always handed over to Jeon Chongshan. Jungkook never interfered.

Lisa had also tolerated it without pursuing the issues further. This was because she did not want those small mistakes from Nancy. She wanted her to commit a mistake big enough that she would never be able to stand up again, so that even the Jeon family's elders themselves would be unwilling to protect her!

At the moment, however, it seemed like she wouldn't be able to wait for Nancy to cross the line any further. She needed to deal with her as soon as possible.

She took in Jungkook's cold and stern features.

She suddenly felt a hint of guilt. "I'm sorry!"

He lifted his brows. His sharp gaze was filled with heartache for her. "Why are you apologising?"

"In this life, I should be giving you more trust." It wasn't right for her to be trapped in the misunderstandings of their previous life.

Perhaps, it was because she had held feelings for him even back then, that was why she struggled to let go of the misunderstanding for so long.

"You speak as though there wasn't any trust between us in our previous life." Jungkook caressed her hair dotingly.

She stiffened. "You know of our previous lifetime?"

He shook his head. His cold and heavy tone was filled with certainty. "All I know is that be it in this life or the previous, or even in the lifetimes to come, I will always love you and dote on you!"

She carefully asked, "Then... what about trust?"

"As long as they are the words you say, I'll always believe them."

Lisa suddenly teared up.

She suddenly understood the reason why Jungkook never questioned her for shooting him back then.

It was not because he had misunderstood that she hated him and wanted him dead.

But because he had believed in the words she had murmured. "I didn't want to do this..."

He kissed her tears away in heartache. His expression was filled with worry. "Wife, what's wrong?"

"My own stupidity is driving me to tears." She began to cry harder.

In this lifetime, she would not allow herself to hurt him again.

Nor would she give Nancy the opportunity to hypnotise her. It turned out that this misunderstanding could be easily resolved. All she needed to do was to give him more trust.

"Who says you're stupid?" He held her with one arm and lifted her chin with his other hand, pressing a sweet kiss against her lips. "Even if you're actually stupid, I'll still love you."

"Hubby..." She swore she would never suspect him in the slightest, again.

However, she would save her special abilities as a secret for him to slowly discover. He was the one who didn't ask about it. Perhaps, one day, it would be a surprise she could give to him.

He embraced her dearly as though he had obtained the most precious treasure in this world.

A moment later, Elder Jeon Chongshan, Ye Yunzhi, Jeon Hong, Huang Zhishu and Mingyu came to the Yu Ting Villa.

They were naturally here to visit Jungkook. At the same time, they also asked if Lisa was doing well.

Just as Jungkook gave the instructions to send the guests away, Huang Zhishu began to hesitate. "Jungkook, Aunt has something to ask you..."

His gaze was as sharp as knives as he glanced at her. It was as though he could completely see through her.

His cold and dangerous aura left everyone shivering.

Huang Zhishu was frightened into changing her words immediately. "Aunt has something to... beg of you."

"Speak." His cold and heavy voice did not reveal any of his emotions.

"Nancy went to the hospital to visit her grandfather, Jingyuan Brushweiler but was detained by your people." Huang Zhishu continued fearfully. "May I know what she did wrong? Could you let her off?"

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