630.Chicken That Couldn't Lay Eggs

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Who asked her to declare time after time that she wanted to abort the child? In her previous life, she had committed too many evil deeds and destroyed everyone's trust in her. The Jeon family were once again disappointed in her.

She was too heartbroken by the incident and starved for nearly half a month. Finally, when she was only left with skins and bones, Jungkook stopped mentioning this matter again.

Ever since that incident, she could no longer conceive again.

That bowl of medicine not only killed her child. It had also harmed her body.

Everyone mocked her for being a chicken that couldn't lay eggs.

The Jeon family naturally did not want a daughter-in-law who could not conceive. Furthermore, everyone believed that this was a result of her own actions. Even Jungkook had to endure the pressure from the elders.

Despite this, Jungkook would rather end his own bloodline than to abandon her. In fact, in order to protect her, he nearly cut off his relations with the Jeon family.

On several occasions, Lisa realised that Jungkook would visit a small room late at night. The room was filled with various items meant for babies.

There were prams, diapers, milk powder, rice powder...

She had asked the butler about this and he informed her that Jungkook had personally chosen these items after learning that she was pregnant.

She had stood outside the room to watch as Jungkook touched the items in heartache. On many occasions, his eyes had been wet.

It was clear that he had loved their unborn child dearly.

Lisa could never understand why she had lost control over her body and drank that medicine.

Aside from this, there were also several occasions where she commited foolish acts outside of her control. Each one of these incidents pushed her into a deeper hole.

She had secretly investigated this matter and it took a long time before she finally learned that Nancy was capable of hypnotising others!

Unfortunately, Nancy was extremely skilled. Through all the experiences she had, she could not find the slightest evidence to prove that Nancy was behind it all.

She returned to herself from those memories.

Lisa recalled the child she had lost and a hint of hatred flashed past her eyes as she glanced at Nancy.

Nancy assumed that she had unintentionally stepped on Lisa's sore spot and smirked.

If this woman could not conceive, God was truly on her side.

Jungkook brought Lisa upstairs. It was clear that the two of them were going to rest.

Nancy took in their back views. The man appeared tall and broad-shouldered while the woman was small and slender. Appearance-wise, they appeared to be a match made in heaven.

However, Lisa wasn't supposed to occupy the space by Jungkook's side. That space belonged to her!

Beneath Nancy's refined appearance, her jealousy was spilling over.

She paid attention to movements from Jungkook's room for quite some time.

The two of them did not leave their room even once.

Nancy was extremely angry!

Jungkook's room was especially extravagant and luxurious. Whenever he wasn't around, only the helpers were allowed to enter his room to clean it.

Lisa, however, had moved into his room openly and was even on the receiving end of Jungkook's doting.

She couldn't be hasty about this matter.

Despite this situation, Nancy told herself that she had waited for over twenty years. A little while longer wouldn't make much difference.

The next morning, it was nearly 9:00 when Jungkook brought Lisa downstairs.

Jeon Chongshan was watching the television in the living room. He took in their glowing demeanors and felt that his great-grandchildren were on their way. "I'm an old man, so I didn't wait for you young people for breakfast."

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