686. The Old Man Cannot Meet Marco

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Unfortunately, the past was set in stone.

In the end, it was Nancy who delivered the news of Michel Brushweiler's death, as well as the grey hair he left behind when he had been alive.

They quickly arrived in front of Marco's hospital room.

Nancy was always prepared for unexpected circumstances. This time, however, she was filled with regret.

If she had known that causing Jeon Chongshan to fall ill would not only fail to stop Jungkook's wedding, but also draw Jingyuan into meeting Father Lee, she would never have taken this risk!

However, the people she was dealing with were all extraordinarily intelligent.

Based on Jingyuan's character, the more she interfered with this, the more insistent he would be about meeting Marco .

Thus, Nancy did not dare to say a single word to persuade him not to visit Father Lee.

Right now, what options did she have to stop the two of them from meeting?

Suddenly Nancy held her stomach. Her complexion was pale and she muttered. "Aiyo..."

Jingyuan turned to her in confusion. "What's wrong, Nancy?"

"Grandfather, my stomach really hurts..." She appeared to be in a lot of pain, and it did not seem as though she was acting.

No matter how much Jingyuan disliked his only grandchild, he would still worry for her. "Grandfather will bring you to a doctor immediately..."

Nancy had intentionally done this to draw him away. Still, she insisted. "But, you were just about to visit Lisa's father..."

"There's no hurry." Jingyuan shook his head. "Your health is more important."

Nancy lowered her head as her eyes glinted with viciousness and satisfaction. A moment later, she had a helpless smile on. "Both my mother and my adopted brother aren't around. I can only trouble you, Grandfather."

Jingyuan seemed to have understood. Besides Jeon Chenxi and Huang Zhishu, the Jeon family would not care if Nancy was dead or alive. He immediately became angry. "Don't worry Nancy, you still have your grandfather!"

"Grandfather..." Nancy leaned her head against Jingyuan's shoulder. He supported her towards the doctor's office.

Jingyuan took a few steps before he turned back to speak to Lisa. "Lisa, I'm really sorry. I'll visit your father another time."

"It's alright." Lisa shook her head.

She took in Nancy's feeble back view and had a feeling that Nancy did not wish for Jingyuan to meet her father.

A hint of a suspicion rose in Lisa's heart.

A moment later, she received a message from Nancy: [Don't assume that you can grow close to my grandfather just by addressing him as 'Grandfather Brushweiler'. Let me tell you, Lisa, no matter how much you flatter my grandfather, you'll never be able to obtain any benefits from the Brushweiler Group!]

If Lisa had been anyone else, she most definitely would have chosen to avoid Jingyuan after reading this message to avoid causing herself troubles.

Lisa had suffered too much in the past and never knew who exactly schemed against her. She could only vaguely guess that it had been Nancy.

Thus, she enjoyed going against Nancy. The more Nancy tried to keep her away from Jingyuan, the more she would do the exact opposite!

Lisa stayed in her father's hospital room for a while before she headed to the thirty-eighth floor to inquire about Nancy's condition.

She wanted to know if Nancy had been pretending to be ill earlier.

The doctor had diagnosed Nancy with acute abdominal pain and said it was likely she had eaten something wrong. He had prescribed her some medicine and told her to rest at home.

It turns out she was not pretending to be ill. Could it be that Lisa was thinking too much?

After this matter, Jingyuan brought Nancy to the Brushweiler family's villa to rest.

Nancy laid on the enormous bed in the main bedroom while Jingyuan stood by her bedside. He took in the sight of his granddaughter's pale complexion and spoke in heartache. "Nancy, ah. You have to take good care of your health. You are the only family member that Grandfather has right now."

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