651.Surveying The House

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She glanced at Nancy's heels. "Since you aren't interested in this apartment, how about you wait downstairs?"

Nancy would never give up this opportunity to obtain photos of her and Mingyu. So she said, "It's alright. I can handle the stairs."

The four of them made their way up the poorly structured stairs. The handles were made of steel and most of the paint had peeled off.

After climbing up six flights of stairs, all of them were covered in trash. The place emitted a thick and nauseating stench.

"What sort of environment is this?" Nancy grumbled.

On the sixth floor, they found that the ground was covered in a thick layer of dust. It seemed like it had been quite some time since the place was cleaned.

Jaebeom unlocked the steel gates to reveal a wooden door in poor condition.


As the wooden door was pushed open, the door even swayed slightly. It seemed like it was on the verge of falling off the hinges.

The apartment was positioned away from the sun and the entire light was blocked by the building in front of it. Despite it being daylight, it was completely dark in the apartment.

Jaebeom immediately searched for the light switch after entering the apartment. She clicked on it a few times but the old light bulbs only flickered for a few moments before going out. She smiled and said jokingly, "It seems like the light bulbs have become spoiled. The wiring here is truly too old."

Perhaps it was because it had been too long since this place had been visited but the group immediately felt an eerie, cold sensation seeping into their bones.

Although it wasn't well-lit in the apartment, the entrance was open and the light that filtered through allowed them to get a good look at the apartment's layout.

The entire furniture was covered in a white cloth. A thick layer of dust had formed on top of it.

Mingyu carelessly tugged the cloth off the sofa. The dust immediately flew into the air and caused all of them to begin coughing. "This apartment must have been empty for at least five to six years!"

"It's been ten years since this apartment was vacated." Jaebeom suddenly turned on a handheld torch. A well-lit figure suddenly appeared with a bright glow in its hands.

"Ah, there's a ghost!" Nancy was frightened and immediately ran into Mingyu's arms.

"Sister, are you that easily frightened?" Mingyu's gaze was focused on Lisa. If only she had run into his arms.

However, Lisa's gaze was indifferent as though she was completely unmoved by all of this.

She had allowed this pair of siblings to follow her because she also wanted to observe if there was anything inappropriate about them.

After all, they were only adopted siblings, weren't they?

However, even though Nancy was currently in Mingyu's arms, she could clearly tell that there wasn't any inappropriate behavior. It was almost as though... these two were not adopted siblings but actual siblings.

"I'm so sorry. I must have frightened you with the handheld torch." Jaebeom said apologetically. "This apartment has been empty for ten years. I was worried there wouldn't be any electricity so I prepared a handheld torch."

"Let's take a look at the place." Jaebeom was actually apprehensive as well.

However, she maintained a professional smile as she pushed open the doors of various bedrooms. Her tone was suitably crisp as she began introducing. "This apartment has five rooms and two living spaces. It is very big, spread across two hundred and fifty metres square feet of space. It is sufficient for four generations of a family with an additional room for a helper. It is also priced at a great value. It is available for sale at eight hundred thousand dollars and is one third of the current market price for such apartments."

"This is an apartment in Mian Lan North District. No matter how old the place is, it is located in a good area. It shouldn't be that cheap." Nancy was suspicious. "Is there a problem with this place?"

She approached the main bedroom. "Look at this bedroom. It's quite big. There's even a balcony." She scanned the bathroom in the en-suite bedroom. "The bathroom is also much bigger than normal bathrooms though it appears extremely eerie."

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