718.Claiming Innocence

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Gao Ru could only follow her instructions and return the bed sheet to its original location. She peeked at Tzuyu's expression. "Madam, aren't you angry? Lisa is your good friend, yet she actually slept with Mr. Lee..."

Wasn't she supposed to lose her temper after finding out that her husband had an affair? And then, wasn't she supposed to confront Lisa and cause a commotion?

"What's there to be angry about?" Truthfully, Tzuyu's heart was in extreme pain. She was only maintaining a calm facade.

"But on that day, it had been Miss Lee who asked me to come take care of Mr. Lee..."

"It's also possible that Sehun slept with another woman, and Lisa came by afterwards to see the mess. She then called you over to clean it up."

Gao Ru fell silent for a moment. "That's also possible."

"Besides." Tzuyu smiled bitterly. "Based on the time you described, I hadn't met Sehun at the time. No matter who he slept with, it was his freedom to do so."

In other words, even if something truly did happen between Sehun and Lisa, she did not have the right to be angry.

This thought left her heart in pain!

"I didn't know that Madam would be this accepting." Gao Ru did not say more.

Tzuyu scanned her lowered head and narrowed her eyes. "Auntie Gao, go ahead and tell me. What are your intentions?"

"Madam, I don't understand your meaning..."

"I'm not a fool." Tzuyu harrumphed coldly. "I've been with Sehun for nearly two years. Quit finding excuses. What did you mean when you said that the weather was good today and you wanted to wash the sheet? Since you've always known about this matter, but never mentioned it for the past two years, it means that you were never interested in bringing it up earlier. Why did you talk about it today, then?"

Gao Ru repeated her words from before. "Madam, I'm really doing this for your own good. A few days ago, after you married Mr. Lee, you even gave me a red packet. You're good friends with Lisa. The fact that she previously slept with your husband... it was fine before the both of you married. But now... you've just married Mr. Lee and he is neglecting you to this extent. I was worried it was because of Lisa and I did not wish for you to suffer without knowing anything. That is why I decided to be the bad person and to tell you about this."

"Is that so?" Tzuyu did not believe her.

"I definitely won't lie to you." Gao Ru appeared especially sincere.

"Alright, I understand." Tzuyu's expression was indifferent as she instructed. "Let me remind you, since you didn't witness anything personally, it means that the blood stain may not belong to Lisa. This matter concludes here. You are not to bring it up to anyone else, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes." Gao Ru rushed to agree.

She was only a part-time worker and was in charge of handling the house chores and preparing their meals. After finishing her work, she quickly left.

After leaving the Hong Sheng District, Gao Ru hid in an alleyway. She appeared especially flustered as she made a call. "I did as you told, but Tzuyu didn't have much reaction to the news."

"I didn't expect Tzuyu to be this accepting and composed. Observe Tzuyu for a little longer and see if she causes a commotion over this matter. If she doesn't, then you should do this..."

Gao Ru listened to her instructions and rushed to express her agreement.

That night, Tzuyu was very surprised. Sehun actually returned from his business trip.

The moment he returned home, Tzuyu asked. "Have you had dinner?" She took his document bag from him and brought his slippers out from the shoe closet.

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