697.Putting A Stop To The Rumours

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In fact, the Elder's illness was also one of Nancy's schemes.

The Elder had the habit of lighting an incense before he slept. Thus, she hypnotised Ahin, the maid who was in charge of cleaning the Elder's room, into tampering with the incense. The fragrance of the tampered incense was meant to cause the Elder to suffer a heart attack.

Nancy suddenly realised that she hadn't seen Ahin around in the mansion today. Could it be that she had already been found?

But that didn't matter. Even if Ahin confessed to her crimes, she would not be able to state Nancy's involvement in this matter.

At this moment, the Brushweiler Group's Director, Jingyuan Brushweiler, approached them with a walking stick in his hands. He spoke up with a voice that had gone slightly hoarse with his age. "Lisa, ah. Grandfather Brushweiler is a little late."

Lisa rushed to support him. "Grandfather Brushweiler, it's alright. As long as you're here."

A reporter noticed Lisa taking the initiative to support Jingyuan. He rushed to take photos of the scene.

"I should have come earlier." Jingyuan sighed. "I wasn't feeling too well so I took some time to rest before leaving. My body is old and unreliable now!"

"Grandfather Brushweiler, you will definitely live till a hundred." She wasn't sure why, but she found that she had a soft spot for the elderly before her.

Nancy rushed to stand up from the guest sitting area. She pushed Lisa away from Jingyuan's side and replaced her to support Elder Brushweiler. "Grandfather, you're here. Why didn't you tell me that you were feeling unwell?"

Jingyuan noticed Nancy's movements. However, he assumed that she was feeling jealous and did not say anything about it. "I'm much better after resting for a while."

Lisa was unaffected by this. She turned to leave.

At this moment, Jingyuan brought out an envelope and handed it to Lisa. "Lisa, ah. This is the wedding gift Grandfather Brushweiler has prepared for you."

Lisa received it with some confusion. The envelope seemed to contain a document?

Nancy had a sense of foreboding. Still, she maintained a smile to ask. "Grandfather, what did you prepare for Lali... for Cousin-in-law? It seems so mysterious wrapped in an envelope."

"That's right. I've never seen a wedding gift wrapped in a document envelope." The other guests were also curious.

"It's ten percent of the Brushweiler Group's shares," Jingyuan responded.

Following his words, all the guests were in an uproar.

The reporters also rushed to capture this scene.

Nancy turned as pale as a sheet of paper. She questioned him with some anger. "Grandfather, I am your granddaughter. How could you give the shares away to an outsider!"

Lisa was also taken aback. At the moment, the Brushweiler Group had a net worth of ten billion dollars. Ten percent of their shares was equivalent to a billion dollars. Why was Director Brushweiler giving her such a heavy gift!

Even Jungkook, Jeon Hong and Ye Yunzhi were extremely surprised.

A reporter asked him. "Miss Nancy is right. Ten percent of the Brushweiler Group's shares is worth up to a billion dollars. Director Brushweiler, do you have any reasons for doing so?"

Jingyuan responded. "Everyone, I'm sure you must know that I do not have any male heirs. Before finding Nancy, the Brushweiler family only had an old man like me left. As the Brushweiler Group did not have any heirs, I even once considered donating the Brushweiler family's inheritance to a charity organisation after I died. Although I've now found my granddaughter, Nancy, money is no long an important matter to me. I feel very close to Lisa. When I'm with her, I always feel like I'm with my family. I already have one foot in the grave. Since I felt the urge to give her the shares, I decided to go ahead and simply do it."

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