628.Cheap Relatives

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Fifteen minutes later, right before the employees at the Civil Affairs Bureau were about to knock off from work, the two of them collected their marriage documents and returned to the SUV.

Bambam turned back to look at the red booklets in his boss's hands. "Congratulations, Boss. You finally have the belle of the ball in your arms."

He then glanced at Lisa's stunning appearance.

Ever since she regained her appearance, he sincerely felt that she was absolutely stunning.

He had no trouble calling her the 'belle of the ball'. On countless occasions, he had looked back at his past, blind self and chided himself for mistaking her for an ugly woman.

Jungkook held Lisa's in his arms and murmured softly. "We're finally married. From this day onwards, you're my lawfully wedded wife!"

"You're my husband." She leaned against his firm embrace and added. "The best husband I could have ever asked for!"

When Jungkook heard this, he was deeply moved. He reminded her heavily. "I'm not as good as you say."

His love was extremely tyrannical. He did not allow anybody's interference.

"In my heart, you are." Her voice was soft and it nearly melted his entire heart. "Lisa, I love you."

Although Bambam was driving in the front seat, Jungkook could not stop himself from confessing his true feelings in her ear.

"I love you too." Lisa did not hold herself back from confessing her true feelings to him once more.

Jungkook held his lovely wife in his arms and secretly decided that he would never let go of her hands even in his death.

Bambam felt that his boss and Madam were truly loving. As an unattached man, he was filled with envy.

He did not wish to disturb their sweetness, but the car was nearing a crossroad. He could only speak up. "Boss, where would you like to go?"

Lisa responded first. "Return to the old mansion. I promised Grandfather to spend some time there."

Jungkook nodded slightly. Her promises were the same as his.

The car returned to the Jeon family's mansion.

As expected, after Mingde was hypnotised by Nancy, his report of the incident made light of the situation and did not cause any trouble.

Jeon Chongshan did not mention this matter.

Nancy, Mingyu and Huang Zhishu had stubbornly remained at the old mansion for the past few years. Lisa understood that the family of three were trying to better understand the Jeon family through this and to search for the right opportunity to win the Jeon family's favour.

After all, when they previously lived away from the Jeon mansion, they had absolutely no way of interacting with anyone from the Jeon family.

Thus, they threw a big fuss and moved back into the old mansion.

Despite this, the Jeon family remained distant towards them.

After dinner, it was only 6:30 in the evening. Grandfather Jeon Chongshan deliberated over Lisa's sleeping arrangement. "Tonight, Lisa will stay..."

"She can share a room with me," Jungkook responded heavily.

"Good." Jeon Chongshan agreed. Nothing was more important than his future great-grandson.

Nancy bit on her bottom lip. A hint of grievance flashed past her eyes.

Huang Zhishu understood her daughter's feelings and knew that it was not suitable for her daughter to speak up. Thus, she began. "Father, Jungkook and Miss Lee have yet to conduct their wedding. If they share the same room right now, would it cause unpleasant rumours..."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes in unhappiness. Everyone seated at the table instantly felt the air turning frigid cold.

He could not even be bothered to tell this cheap aunt of his that he had registered his marriage with Lisa. These outsiders did not deserve to know about his private matters.

Huang Zhishu sensed Jungkook's unhappiness and shrunk back in fear. "I'm sorry. Take it that I never said anything."

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