738.Guan Jiping

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She sat in her car and dialed a number. Once the call was connected, she said angrily, "Didn't I say to throw the flower pot when I arrive? Look what you've done. Lisa rescued Ye Yunzhi. We really gave that whore a free favour!"

The middle-aged man named Guan Jiping turned around the corner and headed into an alleyway to answer the call. "I mistook her for you. Lisa's clothes and hairstyle were both very similar to yours today."

Nancy suddenly recalled Lisa's clothes. She immediately felt a little flustered. "Could she have guessed that I was behind this?"

"Don't worry." Guan Jiping comforted her. "I use a different phone when I contact you. Besides, it's true that I live on the sixth floor of the Guo Mao Building. It's also true that I was fighting with a friend, and that I threw the pot in a fit of anger. As for the number I gave to Lisa, that is the phone number I normally use. Even if she looks into this matter, she won't be able to find anything."

"You really can't do anything well." Nancy complained in resentment. "You better remember this. Even if you can't help me, you can't cause trouble for me."

"I won't." Guan Jiping then asked carefully. "Are your mother and Chenxi doing well?"

"You don't have to concern yourself with that." Nancy ended the call in anger.

A slightly helpless expression appeared on Guan Jiping's tired face. He was useless and the only thing he could do right now was to silently guard them.

Lisa visited the hospital with Ye Yunzhi's company and soon after returned to the Jeon family's old mansion.

Jungkook rushed into the living room and saw Lisa seated on the sofa. He approached her in heartache. "Where's the injury?"

"Lisa sprained her ankle." It was Ye Yunzhi who spoke up. "This was all my fault. If it wasn't to help me, she wouldn't have been injured. Thankfully, the doctor said she only needs to rest for a couple days."

Jungkook knelt down before Lisa and checked her injury.

A layer of gauze was pasted on her ankle and there was some ointment applied on her skin.

"In the future, you have to prioritise your own life first!" Jungkook instructed Lisa seriously. What he meant was that it wasn't worth putting her own life at risk even if it was for his mother.

Ye Yunzhi nodded. "That's right. Daughter-in-law, our Jungkook loves you dearly. He won't be able to take it if something happens to you."

"It's fine." Jungkook responded expressionlessly. "If she dies, I'll accompany her."

Lisa was initially angry but when she heard the words he added, she felt deeply moved.

"What if I die, then?" Ye Yunzhi could not resist the urge to ask.

Jungkook gave her the best response. "I'll send you off grandly and take revenge for you."

"My good son." Ye Yunzhi was especially satisfied. She wasn't the type of mother-in-law who demanded for her son's time even after he was married. She believed that children needed their own freedom once they became adults.

Besides, her only son was already standing at the peak of this world. There was no need for her to worry for him.

"Send someone to investigate if this incident of high-rise littering was done intentionally or if it was a coincidence." Elder Jeon, who was also in the living room, sternly gave this instruction over the phone.

Jeon Hong, Jungkook's father, rushed over at that time. He expressed his sincere gratitude to Lisa for saving his wife.

Even Nancy and her family expressed their admiration for Lisa's actions. It wasn't clear what they actually thought about this matter.

The people that Elder Jeon sent to investigate this matter reported that Guan Jiping, the middle-aged man, was a delivery worker. He had been single for years and was hardworking. He had a few friends and they all spoke well of him.

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