667.Unrequited Love

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He followed her words and headed over. Lisa walked behind him and personally poured him a cup of tea.

"You're too polite." Xiumin had sat down on the sofa to rest. When he saw that Lisa had brought a cup of tea in for him, he immediately stood up and was overwhelmed by her generosity. He could not accept the tea that the future Madam Jeon had personally prepared.

"Lisa, I'm CEO Lee's secretary." Tzuyu also rushed to speak up. "It is my responsibility to prepare tea for the CEO's guests."

Lisa smiled. "Sehun is my elder brother and you are my good friend. There's nothing wrong with helping you to pour a cup of tea."

Tzuyu was deeply moved by these words.

"Lawyer Li, please wait a moment. I'll call for you when my elder brother returns. I have something to say to Tzuyu. " Lisa spoke to Xiumin.

He immediately nodded in understanding.

She headed over to the secretary's office with Tzuyu.

Lisa scanned the environment. The windows were clean and the documents in the shelves were neatly arranged. There was even a cactus plant on the office desk. Lisa began with a sigh. "Tzuyu, you are the Sun Group's only daughter and you are a capable woman yourself. It must be uncomfortable for you to be a CEO's secretary."

"It isn't uncomfortable at all. I've learned a lot by your brother's side." She said, "It's good training for me. It'll also be helpful if I ever decide to return to the Sun Group to work."

"En." Lisa nodded slightly and asked. "How has your relationship with my brother been?"

Tzuyu sighed. "For the past couple of years, I've been visiting Sehun's home frequently. At times, I would even insist on staying over." She frowned. "But no matter how I've tried to seduce him, he remains unmoved."

Her shoulders slumped down. "I wonder if it's because I'm not attractive enough."

Lisa carefully sized her up. Her five features were charming and her skin was fair. Her brows also framed her face perfectly. She was definitely a beauty herself. However, her thick frame glasses appeared especially out of style and it concealed her beauty. "Tzuyu, I think you should consider changing the way you dress yourself. Look for a good stylist and let him recommend some clothes for you. Your figure is good. If you dress yourself well, you'll definitely be able to charm him to death."

"Really?" Tzuyu was surprised.

"I'm certain of it." Lisa rubbed her chin. "There's no point in waiting. Jungkook always buys clothes and jewelry for me. He has also gifted me a lot of make up. I feel that I do have some skills when it comes to fashion. Why don't I help you deliberate over this? We'll go out right after this meeting."

"Sure!" Tzuyu immediately agreed. She carefully asked her. "Lisa, your brother told me that he already has someone he likes. Do you know who that is?"

Lisa's heart sank for a moment. She chose to shake her head as she was worried about losing Tzuyu as a friend.

Tzuyu sighed. "I've been clinging onto Sehun for the past two years but I've never seen any potential partners in his life. Even when I ask him about her, he refuses to tell me anything. I think that he is lying to me. He must be intentionally saying so to force me to back down."

She appeared just like a warrior about to charge into war. "Hmph, I will never give up on Sehun!"

"Is my brother's attitude towards you still very poor?" Lisa was troubled by this matter as well. However, she was secretly thankful that Tzuyu did not ask more about the person her brother liked.

"I can only say that it's just slightly better than how it was when I first met him." Tzuyu felt a little helpless. "But he says that the most he can do is be friends with me. He asked me not to dream of anything more."

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