713.Borrowing Money

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"No! You're clearly in love with me!" Mingyu struggled to accept this. "Ever since we were young, it was obvious that you had feelings for me..."

"That's because I was insecure at the time and I believed I wasn't good enough for Jungkook. I was also manipulated by Lee Eunha, that rotten sister of mine, into acting that way." She sized him up. "Mingyu, I'm not trying to criticise you, but from my point of view, you'll really not even fucking good enough to hold Jungkook's shoes. How could I possibly take a liking to you?"

"You!" He clenched his fists tightly.

His veins were nearly popping out from anger. He had wanted to coax Lisa into returning to his side and to convince her to help him deal with Jungkook. However, it seemed like all his plans were falling apart.

"What is it? Are you going to hit me?" Lisa harrumphed coldly.

She had special abilities. It would be more than easy for her to leave him paralysed.

"No. Even if I had all the courage in the world, I wouldn't dare to touch you, Madam Jeon." Mingyu's shoulders drooped at the rejection. He scanned their surroundings and suddenly said, "Lisa, considering that we were close when we were children, will you lend me some money?"

"How much do you wish to borrow?" Lisa narrowed her eyes.

In their past life, Mingyu had borrowed the eight million dollars that Jungkook had given her for her pocket money. He never returned the sum to her and just remembering this left her infuriated.

In this life, he would not receive a single cent from her.

"Eight... eight million dollars." Mingyu did not dare to ask for too much. "Eight million dollars should be a very small sum for you right now." A hint of pleading flashed past his eyes, "The Ming Yu Enterprise I'm running isn't being managed very well right now and it's on the verge of collapse. Please lend me some money."

"You're not even worth a single cent to me, yet you dare ask for eight million dollars. Quit your wishful thinking!" She turned to leave.

He wanted to follow after her. However, he had only taken two steps when Bambam caught hold of his arm.

He turned back to see that Jungkook was only five steps away from him and his aura was frigid cold!

Mingyu's legs immediately weakened in fear. "C... cousin..."

"Take him away. Take good 'care' of him." Jungkook waved his hand. Bambam quickly dragged Mingyu away.

Very quickly, Mingyu's cries of misery and pain could be heard all throughout the Jeon family's old villa.

The loud shrieks left the servants in the backyard trembling.

Jungkook was in an especially good mood. Mingyu, that pile of shit, used to be the greatest obstruction between Lisa and him. Right now, however, his beloved wife did not think he was valuable even as trash.

How could he not be happy?

He rushed forward and easily caught up to Lisa in a few steps. He embraced her soft body from behind and lowered his head to breathe in the scent on her hair. "You smell so good..."

She did not turn around as she leaned back into his embrace. "Didn't you leave to handle the Jeon family's affairs? Why are you back so quickly?"

"I missed you." Jungkook pressed a firm kiss against her cheek.

She listened to his cold, heavy voice and felt deeply moved.

In their past life, he had never confessed to her, or expressed that he loved or missed her in any way.

In this life, however, he had learned to say that he loved and missed her.

He had really changed a lot.

She leaned into his arms and lifted her head to look at the setting sun. The sky was dyed a beautiful, dazzling colour. "Jungkook, I wish this moment could last forever."

Unfortunately, she still had many trials to overcome.

"I don't need an everlasting moment." He held her tightly. "I only hope that, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."

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