751.Definitely Not A Plot Of Murder For Money

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"Grandfather, I don't understand what you're talking about." Nancy appeared very innocent.

Jeon Chongshan said, "In this period, the Brushweiler family's security has been especially tight. How could a common person possibly approach Jingyuan? Only his granddaughter would have this opportunity. Guards, come!"

Two of the bodyguards behind him came forward. "Elder, what are your orders?"

"Capture Nancy. Lock her in the Jeon family's storeroom."

"Understood." The two bodyguards immediately held Nancy firmly.

Her complexion was pale as she cried. "My Grandfather is on the verge of death. I am his only relative. Right now, he needs me by his side. Grandfather Jeon, you can't lock me up!"

"So what if he is your grandfather? Considering the Brushweiler family's enormous wealth, who knows if you were the one who tried to murder Jingyuan in an attempt to obtain their one hundred years old business."

"Why would I do that? The Brushweiler family's business has always been mine. I'm it's only successor!" Nancy argued back.

All of a sudden, she turned towards Lisa. "Cousin-in-law, won't you speak up for me? When you entered the Brushweiler family's bedroom, you saw that I was pressing a handkerchief against Grandfather's forehead to stop his bleeding. Also, you can also check my phone. There are records that I dialed 120..."

As her hands were pressed behind her back, Mingyu rushed to reach into her bag to retrieve her phone. He searched through it. "Grandfather, there really are records of my sister calling for the emergency ambulance."

"Father, Nancy has always been an obedient and kind child. She definitely wouldn't kill someone for money." Huang Zhishu was in tears as she begged for mercy on her daughter's behalf. "Dad, you can't wrong Nancy like this. If you lock her up, what if Director Brushweiler ends up passing away... Nancy will lose her only opportunity to send him off. Could you bear to do that to her?"

Jeon Chongshan became uncertain when he heard this. He turned towards Lisa.

"Lock her up." Lisa responded directly. "I had already reached the bedroom when Nancy dialled for an ambulance. She only did so to cover up her intentions."

When Nancy and the rest heard this, they immediately understood that it was Lisa's request to put her under arrest.

Indeed, Lisa had given Elder Jeon a call earlier to inform him of the whole series of events.

Huang Zhishu saw that her daughter was about to be dragged away and quickly knelt down.

She cried. "Father, nothing is more precious than family in this world. Nancy has never met her birth parents and is already pitiful enough. I can guarantee with my own life that she would never attempt to harm her own family for money."

She then glared at Lisa. "It must be Lisa. She must have grown greedy after obtaining ten percent of the Brushweiler Group's shares and wants more. As Long as she frames Nancy for this, she'll successfully eliminate Elder Brushweiler and Nancy, killing two birds with one stone! Father, you cannot fall for Lisa's trick and be used by her!"

Nancy followed suit and knelt down. She sobbed miserably. "Grandfather Jeon, I guarantee it with my life, if I really killed my own grandfather, I'll suffer a life worse than death!" In any case, she was completely unrelated to Jingyuan. She could make as many such vows as needed.

"I only wish to be by my grandfather's side while he is still in a critical state. If something happens to him... I don't wish to have any regrets. I won't be able to do anything to him with the way you are all wary of me anyway. At most, I'll remain outside the ward and won't approach him."

She knew hypnosis and could kill Jingyuan just by being outside, sealing his lips forever.

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