767.Family Reunion

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Baekhyun was a little confused. "How did you manage to agitate Mr. Marco earlier? If it wasn't with a sufficiently intense emotional reaction, he wouldn't have woken up. Of course, it's a miracle that he even regained consciousness. Perhaps it is more suitable to ask Mr. Marco this question." If it had been anyone else, they would not have been able to wake up from a long coma like this and would have most likely, passed away in that state.

Marco was cared for in the Jia Ya Hospital and received very good treatment. He also had a strong desire to live. This was one of the reasons why he was able to regain consciousness.

"Of course, Mr. Marco can choose not to answer my question. I am asking this out of my own personal curiosity. I hope to understand the situation a little better." Baekhyun's expression was filled with anticipation.

Lisa fed her father some warm water. After his throat felt a little better, he spoke up hoarsely. "I heard my father calling me. Over the years, I've always wanted to return home... My father said that I was the only person he had left... I was worried and wanted to look at him... so I woke up."

He spoke slowly in a shaky voice. Everyone listened attentively and tried their best to understand before they got the whole gist of it.

When Baekhyun heard this, he sighed in wonder. "The power of family is indeed amazing. Thank you for answering my question, Mr. Marco. Have a good rest." He brought up a few more matters for the patient to pay attention to before leaving the hospital room.

"Father..." Marco kept repeating. "I'm unfilial..."

Jingyuan was both heartbroken and overjoyed as he cried. "No, no. I was wrong."

Marco's gaze shifted onto his daughter, Lisa. He wanted to wave her over but found that he did not even have the strength to raise his hand. He could only call for her. "Lisa..."

"Dad!" Lisa approached his bedside and took in his thin figure with teary eyes.

She had wanted to help her father gain some weight.

However, he could only rely on IV for nutrition in his coma and it was impossible for him to gain any weight. She could only watch as he grew thinner and thinner by the day.

"You've suffered..." As Marco took in the daughter he loved dearly, he began to tear up again.

Lisa shook her head. "Dad, I'm alright. I'm doing very well." She tugged Jungkook close and said to him, "Dad, I've been married to Jungkook for some time. I regret that you weren't able to attend our wedding."

"It's alright, it's alright. As long as you are both happy." Marco sized up Jungkook.

He saw that his figure was tall and strong, and he had a cold and powerful aura. With one glance, it was clear that this was an outstanding and capable individual.

He had always been very satisfied with Jungkook and Lisa's childhood engagement.

"Father," Jungkook addressed him heavily.

"Good, good." Marco nodded again. Having a son-in-law was akin to having another son. His gaze shifted around the room. "How long was I unconscious for? Where is your mother and your brother? And Eunha?"


Jingyuan, Jungkook and Lisa fell silent.

Too much had happened in the past five years.

"Father, you've been unconscious for five years." Jungkook said finally, "A lot of things have happened since then. I will explain them in detail to you at a later date."

Lisa's matters were also his. It was the same if he explained them.

However, Marco's body was currently weak and it wasn't suitable for him to suffer any agitation.

Jingyuan knew of the Fang family's matters. He rushed to speak up. "My child, you've just awoken. Focus on recovering first."

A sense of foreboding filled Marco. "They..."

Lisa suddenly realised. "Look at me. I was so happy that I forgot to inform Brother." She then brought her phone out to give Sehun a call.

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