634.Promise To Nancy

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"As expected, Grandfather knows the most." Lisa sincerely admired Grandfather Jeon's vast knowledge. Just like the teachings from these words, she also hoped to achieve more while she was young and to prevent herself from regretting much later. Thus, she had been working especially hard during the past two years.

"Miss Lee's Qin Script is much better than mine." Nancy understood when it was best to back off. "I admit my defeat."

"There's no such thing as defeat to talk about here." Lisa had also practiced these words in secret. Her goal was identical to Nancy's, to win Jeon Chongshan's acknowledgement.

Huang Zhishu did not expect that the daughter who always made her proud would lose at this moment. Her expression turned poor for a second before she quickly looked towards Lisa in 'admiration'. "As expected of the woman Jungkook has taken a liking to."

"She is my wife." Jungkook instructed coldly. "In the future, in this home, everyone will address her as Madam Jeon."

"But..." Nancy could not accept this. How could a woman who had yet to marry into the family count as Madam Jeon!

"If you're unwilling, scram out of the Jeon family right now!" Jungkook's expression was stern. His words were a command and he did not allow any room for negotiations.

Huang Zhishu tugged at her daughter's hand quietly. Nancy unwillingly responded. "I understand."

She had her own ways of kicking Lisa off the stage.

This was but a form of addressing her. She would endure it for the time being.

Jeon Chongshan seemed to have thought of something and began. "Jungkook, ah. Nancy has been working in a company for almost two years and has been promoted to a managerial role. Her abilities are outstanding. I know that your Sheng Shi Group's Fashion Design Department is looking for a Chief Designer. Grandfather has already promised to let her train in your company for a few months."

A hint of displeasure flashed past Jungkook's gaze. "Grandfather, haven't you always agreed to not interfere with my company?"

"Grandfather should not have agreed to this without asking for your opinion." A hint of guilt appeared on Jeon Chongshan's face. "But for the past two years, Mingyu, Nancy and your aunt, Huang Zhishu, have been accompanying me in the old mansion. You and your parents rarely visit. They've worked hard to accompany me. Nancy is someone with abilities yet she's been slaving away at somebody else's small company. She doesn't have much experience that she can boast of. Give her an opportunity to work at your Sheng Shi Group. Even if she stays there only briefly, it will help her obtain a higher pay in the future."

Nancy heard the word, 'pay' and breathed out of her nose heavily as a silent sneer.

Her plan was to quickly inherit the Brushweiler Group and to take on the position of Madam Jeon.

The Brushweiler Group's old director was extremely wise. He did not allow her to interfere with the Brushweiler Group's business and the meaning behind his words were clear: she did not have enough experience.

If she gained some experience in the Sheng Shi Group, that old man would have no other reasons to stop her from inheriting the Brushweiler Group!

Although she felt this way internally, she quickly said, "Cousin, don't worry. If I don't perform well at work, you can fire me anytime."

The entire family was urging Nancy to step into the Sheng Shi Group. Lisa felt that they had to be scheming something behind their backs. She was stumped as to how to convince Jungkook to reject them.

Jungkook responded indifferently. "I have already promised to give Lisa the position of Chief Designer in the Sheng Shi Group's Fashion Design Department."

Lisa's eyes lit up. What a wonderful husband! Although, he had never actually promised her this.

"Ah, I forgot. Lisa also studies fashion design. Her third year of studies will be ending soon. Indeed, it's time for her to look for an appropriate internship." A hint of regret flashed past Jeon Chongshan's eyes. "I shouldn't have promised Nancy."

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