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The fact that Jingyuan had found his long lost son and granddaughter after years was kept a secret.

Although both Huang Zhishu and Mingyu were Jeon family members, they remained unaware of this fact.

Two weeks later, Jingyuan made a full recovery from his wound and was discharged from the hospital.

As for Marco, or more accurately, Michael, he had also recovered significantly. As he did not wish to remain in the hospital everyday, Lisa brought him back to the Yu Ting Villa to recover.

It hadn't been easy for Jingyuan to reunite with his son. He naturally followed him to the Yu Ting Villa for a temporary stay.

In any case, there were many rooms in the Yu Ting Villa and it was no trouble having them over.

On this day, Mingyu and Huang Zhishu came to the Yu Ting Villa with the request to see Jungkook.

To their surprise, they were successfully led into Yu Ting Villa's living room.

Jungkook was sitting on the couch. His posture was upright and his expression was frigidly cold. He carried the aura of a ruler about him.

Lisa, who was indescribably beautiful, sat by his side.

Mingyu took in Lisa's fair skin and stunning beauty. He began to feel a sense of jealousy and anger once more.

This woman was supposed to be his! He deeply regretted not accepting her feelings back then.

"Jungkook ah, you detained Nancy when Elder Brushweiler became unconscious. So many days have passed since then." Huang Zhishu glanced at Jungkook carefully and attempted to ask. "Even if she did something wrong, she has received the punishment she deserves. Isn't it time to release her?"

Jungkook was expressionless. His lips twitched ever so slightly into a hint of smile. He lifted the cigar between his fingers and took a draw. Wisps of smoke rose into the air.

Huang Zhishi could not guess his thoughts and the atmosphere turned awkward.

At this moment, Jingyuan, who had gone for a stroll, returned.

When Huang Zhishu saw him, she immediately greeted him warmly. "Elder Brushweiler, you're just in time. Jungkook suspects that Nancy has bad intentions against you and has detained her. It's been eighteen days since he put her under guard. Aren't you doing just fine right now? Nancy is a child with a good heart. Please speak up for her."

"That's right." Mingyu pitched in as well. "Elder Brushweiler, don't forget that Nancy is your last living relative. Can you bear to watch her suffer as she remains locked up?"

He had waited with his mother for some time, but the Jeon family did not seem to wish to deal with Nancy in any way.

They thus believed that Jingyuan did not tell anyone that Nancy had attempted to murder him. They assumed that it was because the old man could not bear to lose his only living relative in this world.

Huang Zhishu continued hopefully. "Elder Brushweiler, you must have come to the Yu Ting Villa to beg for mercy on behalf of Nancy, right?"

Both of them did not know that Jingyuan was temporarily living in the Yu Ting Villa.

"Jungkook, let Jeon Nancy out. Let's resolve this matter," Jingyuan finally spoke up.

Jungkook waved his hand. A bodyguard waiting by the side went to the storeroom in the building next to the main villa and dragged Nancy over.

Nancy's hands were pressed behind her back. She entered the living room to see that both her mother and brother were present. She nodded slightly at them. She then saw Jingyuan standing in the living room with his hands behind his back. She was very surprised that the damn old man was still alive!

In that case, the fact that she had smashed a vase over his head could no longer be concealed. She immediately put on a guilty expression and spoke apologetically. "Grandfather!"

"I am not your grandfather." Jingyuan's wrinkled face was extremely cold.

Nancy did not know that her status had been exposed and assumed he was still angry at her for plotting to murder him.

She considered the fact that no one had dealt with this matter for so long and felt certain that the old man's heart must have softened by now. He must not be able to bear to expose her misdeeds.

Thus, she knelt towards Jingyuan in tears. "Grandfather, Nancy was foolish and made a mistake. Please forgive me!"

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