714.Pregnant Or Not?

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She nodded emotionally.

Three days later, Lisa and Jungkook headed downstairs in the morning to see Elder Jeon Chongshan, Jeon Hong and Ye Yunzhi on the couch.

Doctor Baekhyun was giving the three Jeon family's elders their routine check-up.

"Lisa, come. You should get a check-up too." Jeon Chongshan waved her over.

Lisa felt a little nervous. In her previous life, this was the moment when she found out she was pregnant.

"Alright." She sat down on the couch.

Baekhyun first measured her blood pressure. He then used a stethoscope on her... After conducting all sorts of basic check-ups, he drew a sample of her blood and said that he would take it back for an examination.

She nodded amiably.

Baekhyun picked up his medicine box to leave when Lisa spoke up. "Doctor Byun, Jungkook hasn't had a check up yet."

"CEO Jeon had it done previously. He doesn't need one right now."

"Oh." Lisa did not notice anything amiss about this.

Baekhyun brought her blood sample to the hospital. An hour later, he dialled the Jeon family's old mansion.

It was Elder Jeon who answered the call. He did so in the 'speaker' mode.

"Elder, don't worry. Madam Jeon is very healthy." Baekhyun's voice could be heard clearly through the living room.

Elder Jeon nodded in satisfaction. "Everything is good as long as my granddaughter-in-law is healthy. This way, she'll be able to give me my great-grandchildren soon."

In their previous life, Lisa had clearly become pregnant on this day. She rushed over to ask. "Doctor Byun, may I know if I'm pregnant?"

"Madam, you're not pregnant." Baekhyun answered clearly from the other end.

Lisa frowned. Why wasn't she pregnant?

Were the results wrong? Or did the trajectory in this life change?

"There truly aren't any problems with my body?" Despite the distance, Baekhyun could hear her clearly through the phone.

"Madam, you're especially healthy. If you wish for a child, eventually, it will happen," Baekhyun comforted her.

After the call ended, Jeon Chongshan spoke seriously to Jungkook. "Jungkook ah, your wedding with Lisa has been held. From now onwards, you have to stop using contraceptives."

"I know what to do." Jungkook's expression was cold and heavy.

Lisa sat silently by the side. Jungkook previously told the elders that they were using contraceptives. Truthfully, however, throughout the two years they lived together in the Yu Ting Villa, they had never used any contraceptives.

Jeon Hong spoke up. "Father, there's no rush in having a child. Jungkook and Lisa are both young."

These words made the Elder unhappy. "I'm already old. I'm looking forward to holding my great-grandchildren. This matter is fixed. The two of you better conceive soon."

Jungkook glanced at Lisa's slightly disappointed expression. It seemed like she was upset because she was not pregnant? At the thought that she was willing to have his child, he was overwhelmed with joy.

"Father, when it comes to children, it all depends on fate. Rushing them won't help." As Jungkook's mother, Ye Yunzhi also spoke up for Lisa.

"Alright, alright. I won't rush them." Although he agreed verbally, he still felt that this matter needed to happen quickly.

Lisa returned to her room and instructed a servant to purchase a pregnancy test for her. She quietly used it in the bathroom.

Soon, she discovered that she truly wasn't pregnant! Why wasn't she pregnant?

Jungkook stepped into the bedroom to see Lisa standing before the windows with a dejected expression. He spoke up in heartache. "My wife, what's wrong?"

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