749.In The Nick Of Time

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A hint of complexity flashed past Jingyuan's gaze. As he hesitated, Nancy quickly reached for the flower vase on the table and smashed it against his head.

With a loud clamour, a gushing wound appeared on Jingyuan's forehead.

Since Nancy had already revealed her intentions to kill him, she decided to personally send him to his death. After all, this was her only opportunity to kill him.

Once Jingyuan died, considering he did not have any other living family members, wouldn't the Brushweiler Group's business with over a hundred years of history belong to her?

As for how he died, at the end of the day, wasn't she the one who got to decide it?

Who would have thought that Lisa, this whore, would interrupt her!

Right now, she could only pray that Jingyuan would pass away. Otherwise, she would be doomed once he woke up!

Nancy quickly got into her car and followed closely behind Lisa to Jia Ya Hospital.

The moment they arrived at the hospital, Jingyuan was immediately brought into the surgery room for emergency rescue.

Lisa stood in the hallway outside the operating theatre. She felt very anxious and uncertain.

Nancy rushed to her side and waited nervously. "Dear God, you have to protect my grandfather." She clasped her hands together and prayed in tears.

A doctor stepped out of the surgery room. He first nodded towards Lisa before noticing Nancy's heartbroken appearance.

He spoke urgently. "Miss Jeon, your grandfather lost too much blood. His blood type is extremely rare. It is the Rh B Negative Blood Type, also known as the 'Panda Blood'. Only two percent of the people in this world share that blood type. As Rh blood types are split into Type A and Type B, it's even rarer. Our hospital doesn't have such blood in stock. You're Director Brushweiler's granddaughter. There is a high chance you are of the same blood type. May I know what your blood type is?"

Nancy's expression was filled with regret. "My blood type is Type O. I take after my mother."

"In that case, we must quickly request for volunteers in the city to come to the hospital to donate blood to Director Brushweiler." The doctor spoke with a frown. "Director Brushweiler is in a critical situation. I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for even ten minutes..."

Nancy thought it would be best if Jingyuan died immediately. She naturally did not wish for him to last till someone could donate their blood to him.

But Lisa suddenly spoke up. "Doctor, My blood type is Rh B Negative."

The doctor was surprised for a moment. He then immediately made a 'please' gesture. "Madam Jeon, please follow me."

This hospital belonged to Jungkook's Sheng Shi Group. The doctors naturally knew of her.

They hurriedly conducted a test to confirm Lisa's blood test before they proceeded with a blood transfusion for Jingyuan.

Nancy felt her heart sinking the entire time. It wasn't clear if she was too worried or too nervous, but her beautiful, refined features appeared especially pale.

A moment later, the doctor stepped out of the surgery room. Nancy rushed to approach him. "Doctor, how is my grandfather doing?"

"We have successfully closed his wound. Thankfully, Madam Jeon gave him her blood in time and Director Brushweiler's life was saved. However, his injury is quite serious and it will take between three to five days for him to regain consciousness."

Nancy appeared to have staggered forward in joy. In truth, however, she lost her stability from fear.

The old man actually, actually didn't die!

"Thank... thank god." Nancy was on the verge of tears from joy.

"Doctor, before Director Brushweiler regains consciousness, keep him in the intensive care ward. No one is allowed to approach him," Lisa instructed expressionlessly.

"Understood." The doctor immediately followed her instructions. Jungkook had instructed them to always carry out Madam Jeon's orders.

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