695.Vicious Tricks

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Jungkook noticed her smile. "What's making you so happy?"

"My brother is finally with Tzuyu. I no longer have to worry about them," she responded with a smile.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and forcefully tugged her close. "You're not allowed to worry about your brother!"

"You know that you're the only person in my heart. Don't be jealous." She did not wish to attract the guests attention and lowered her voice. "Aside from romantic love, a person should also have some familial love and friendships."

"No, you're only allowed to have me!" He was unbelievably demanding, but she did not mind it. In any case, she had been siblings with Sehun and best friends with Tzuyu for so long.

He had never done anything to interfere in these relationships.

This meant that he agreed in his own way for her to treasure her family and friends.

She glanced at him lovingly. "There's only you. Are you happy now?"

"You're that reluctant?" Jungkook lifted his ink-black brows. However, he could not help his lips from twitching into a smile.

Today, the entire world finally learned that he had married Lisa!

"CEO Jeon, why don't I see Elder Jeon around?" A guest came by to ask.

"He is feeling unwell and is resting at the moment." Jungkook was expressionless.

"I see. Could I go visit Elder Jeon?" The guest had good intentions.

"There's no need. Enjoy the celebration."

"Sure, sure." That guest did not dare to say more. He returned to mingling with the other guests.

Several guests had already inquired about Elder Jeon but all the Jeon family members responded the same way.

Some of the guests were looking at their phones. One of them coincidentally found the following headline:

[Elder Jeon is stricken with illness, but Lisa insisted on holding the wedding, regardless of his life and death. She is frightened that she wouldn't make it into a wealthy family otherwise!]

The news was accompanied with a photo of Elder Jeon being brought into Jia Ya Hospital.

Initially, very few guests saw this article. Gradually, however, everyone present heard about it and began searching for the article.

As several media outlets were live-streaming the wedding venue, this news began trending.

[It can't be. The elder in their family is on the verge of death, yet they have the mood to hold a wedding? Lisa must be terrified that she will lose this opportunity to marry into a wealthy family!]

[Hasn't Elder Jeon always been very healthy? It must be because Lisa bought those haunted apartments and affected the Jeon family's luck. That's why Elder Jeon's health collapsed instantly.]

[I bet Lisa must have gone insane from living with her mother's corpse. She's crazy. She bought ten haunted apartments at a go!]

The discussion online grew louder by the second.

Soon, everyone was searching for the article that had reported on the haunted apartments purchased by Lisa.

Although the article had been taken down a long time ago, quite some people had reposted it. Those reposts quickly began trending.

Everyone's gaze turned strange as they watched Lisa. Some of them even began to whisper among themselves. "Could Elder Jeon be already..."

Some of the guests were frightened to hear these discussions. "Shh... don't talk nonsense in the Jeon family's territory."

Nancy sat obediently among the guests, watching everyone's reaction. A hint of viciousness flashed past her eyes.

Even if she failed to stop the wedding, she would not allow Lisa to have a good time on her wedding day!

Just as everyone began to speculate if Elder Jeon had already passed on, a business car drove into the venue. Elder Jeon, who was dressed impeccably in a suit, was supported by Ye Yunzhi as he alighted the car.

He stepped into the wedding venue majestically.

All the reporters immediately raised their cameras to snap photos of the moment. The guests present were also taken aback.

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