605.Leave Jungkook

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‘Embroidering Sunshine’ Project had been delayed for more than a year. Finally, they could begin construction. Initially, they were supposed to kick off the project right after purchasing the land.

Unfortunately, at the time, she had spent all her funds on the land.

After obtaining the land, she used it to draw several million dollars of loan from the bank. Although she could have then spent the money on construction, she decided to use it for her fashion company, as well as other investments.

Thus, she did not have any money left for this project.

It was delayed till this moment. Thankfully, her fashion company was now making profits and she had repaid all her debts to the bank. She now had the funds to proceed with this project.

After taking the longer path, she no longer had any more debts. Instead, she had billions of funds available for her use.

A young man stepped into the Yu Ting Villa’s living room.

Lisa closed her laptop from where she sat on the couch. She looked up to see that it was actually Jaehyun.

He was dressed casually and wore a playful smile on his face. He appeared just like the model appearance of a rebellious young master.

“Why are you here?” A hint of confusion flashed past Lisa’s eyes.

“Everyone says that it’s an honor to freely enter the Yu Ting Villa.” Jaehyun responded casually. “I’m sure you didn’t expect me to do so.”

She was supposed to be surprised by this. However, through her memories from her past life, Lisa had come to know of Jaehyun’s unique identity. She had simply remained silent on this matter all this while.

Since he had made his way here, there was no need for her to conceal this any longer. “What’s there to be surprised about? Aren’t you Elder Jeon’s god-grandson? However, it seems that Jungkook’s parents did not recognise you as their god-son. You say, if Jungkook’s grandfather has taken you to be his god-grandson, should you address Jungkook as ‘Brother’?”

If this guy used Elder Jeon's name to enter the Yu Ting Villa, no one would dare to stop him.

Jaehyun’s smile faded. “Did Jungkook tell you about this?”

“Would you believe me if I said no?”

“In that case, the people from the Jeon home must have told you. This matter has never been truly settled. There are very few people who know of this. Did you bribe the helpers from the Jeon family?” Jaehyun decided not to focus on this matter. “Nevermind! Lisa, have you seen the news today?”

His gaze was fixated on her.

He had been waiting for her in school everyday. However, ever since the third year of their studies, she barely attended class.

He finally could not tolerate it anymore and decided to seek her out on his own.

Jaehyun took in her fair and soft skin as well as her stunning beauty. He realised the more he watched her, the more he was charmed.

She frowned. “Are you referring to Nancy, the Jeon family’s adopted daughter, who became the Bruschweiler family’s successor?”

“Do you know what this means?” He averted his gaze as his expression turned serious.

She waved her hand and appeared not to care. “Is this related to me?”

“Lisa…” He suddenly approached her with a hint of infatuation in his gaze.

He began earnestly. “It’s been more than a year. I’ve been waiting for you! You can’t remain in the Jeon family. Listen to me and leave Jungkook!”

“That’s impossible.” Lisa rejected him decisively.

A hint of pain flashed past Jaehyun’s gaze. “I said this before but you won’t be able to hold onto the position of Madam Jeon for long!”

“Jaehyun, I’ll be honest with you. In this life, there is only one thing I’ll never give up on. That is… Jeon Jungkook.” Her attitude was resolute.

Her greatest mistake in her past life was to push Jungkook away.

She had lost too many opportunities to be with him.

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