716.Together Yet Apart

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"But she's healthy and may have a child anytime..." Huang Zhishu could not help but worry.

"She may not have enough time in the Jeon family for that to happen." Nancy suddenly smiled mockingly.

"Sister, do you have something planned?" Mingyu asked in curiosity.

Nancy smiled coldly. "A few days ago, didn't I send someone to look into Sehun by targeting his part-time worker, Gao Ru? Guess what I found?"

"Quickly tell me!" Mingyu was extremely interested.

"Lisa actually had an affair with Lee Sehun!" Nancy smiled mockingly. "You say, if Jungkook finds out about this, will Lisa immediately be thrown off the seat of Madam Jeon?"

She thought further about this. "Doesn't Sehun have a woman named Chou Tzuyu by his side? She's also Lalisa's best friend, isn't she? You say, how will Chou Tzuyu react if she finds out that her man slept with Lalisa?"

"Lisa would then be isolated by both her family and friends." The wrinkles in the corner of Huang Zhishu's eyes deepened with her smile.

"When Lisa is ruined, I'll comfort her and make use of that opportunity to get into her good books." Mingyu schemed. "After that, even if she is useless for dealing with Jungkook, the Jiao Yang Group Finance under her name will become mine..."

Mingyu grinned in excitement, as though he could see the day he would become a wealthy man. "Sister, how do you plan on exposing this matter?"

"As usual, I'll make use of someone else's hands."


On the twentieth floor of an apartment in Hong Sheng District, Tzuyu stood alone on the balcony to take in the view of the city lights. The city was bustling.

Three days ago, she had registered her marriage with Sehun.

She had believed this would be the beginning of her happy, married life. However, the truth was the exact opposite.

She still remembered when they left the Civil Affairs Bureau with the red booklets in their hands. Her smile had been bright.

Sehun, however, did not reveal the slightest emotion. It was impossible to tell how he felt.

That night had been their wedding night. As they laid on the bed, she had taken the initiative to embrace him from behind. However, he had responded by saying that he was tired.

He completely had no intention of touching her.

Thus, the two of them slept through the night facing away from each other.

The next morning, Sehun left on a business trip.

He did not approve of her previous resignation letter.

As his secretary, she naturally understood that the business trip he had left for was not important at all. He could have sent a manager on his behalf.

Yet, he insisted on making the trip himself. When she asked to follow him, he stated that he did not need any help.

It was clear that he was avoiding her.

Tzuyu sighed subconsciously. Her mood was low as a bitter sensation spread through her heart.

It turned out that by marrying a man who did not love her, she would end up in a state where she was abandoned by her newly wedded husband.

It had been three days, but Sehun did not contact her even once.

She even felt that, in comparison, he paid more attention to her when they had just been friends.

Ever since he left, she sent him a message every night before she slept. However, he never replied.

She could not allow things to go on this way.

She brought her phone out and dialled Sehun's number. It rang for quite some time. Just when she assumed he wouldn't answer the call, Sehun's low, husky voice could be heard from the other end. "Hello..."

She took a deep breath and spoke normally, "Hubby, are you doing alright outside?"

He was silent for a moment. Perhaps, he did not expect her to address him in this manner.

A moment later, he responded lightly. "En."

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