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Lisa recalled that Jingyuan, who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit, had a Rh B Negative blood type.

Both her father and herself had the same blood type.

Wasn't this blood type extremely rare? How could there be three individuals with panda blood in the same hospital?

As for Nancy, who was Director Brushweiler's granddaughter, to think that her blood type was O.

Although it was possible that she took after her mother.

But both her father and Jingyuan had the surname 'Brushweiler'. They also appeared quite similar and had the same blood type. Could there be these many coincidences?

A shocking possibility slowly arose in Lisa's mind...

She checked the time. It was 3:00 in the morning.

Lisa's thoughts shifted as she realised that Elder Jeon Chongshan had most likely informed Jungkook that she was accompanying the unconscious Director Brushweiler in the hospital.

Jungkook was abroad on a business trip. It was strange that he did not call to check on her.

A bad feeling arose in her heart. Lisa immediately called Jungkook.

The tone rang for a while before Jungkook answered. "My wife, why are you still awake at this time? Are you still at the hospital."

"You know that I'm at the hospital?"

"Grandfather gave me a call to inform me." Jungkook continued. "I'll be able to see you in an hour's time."

"Aren't you away on a business trip? Wasn't it supposed to take you three to five days to return?" Lisa's heart nearly skipped a beat.

"Director Brushweiler is unconscious. Grandfather said that you are too worried about him to leave the hospital. I'm worried about you so I decided to return early."

"Wait, where are you right now?"

"Bambam is driving. In a minute, I'll arrive at Huang Long Slope."

Lisa's heart immediately began pounding loudly. She shouted. "Tell Bambam to turn the car around right now! There is an ambush hidden at Huang Brushweiler Po. Watch out for spies in the car. Don't trust anyone besides Bambam!"

A loud gunshot noise was suddenly heard and Jungkook's call got cut off.

Lisa's heart slammed loudly against her ribcage in fear.

In her previous life, Bodyguard Bambam had died protecting Jungkook. At the time, Jungkook and Bambam had been on the way back to the city after a business trip. The ambush had occurred at Huang Brushweiler Slope, a location an hour away from the city. She heard later that there had been a spy amongst the bodyguards who were with them.

Although Jungkook survived that incident, he suffered a gunshot to his chest and was seriously injured. The wound nearly killed him.

According to her memories, this would only happen three months later.

Why was it brought forward?

She recalled that she had gotten pregnant and suffered a miscarriage in her previous life. However, in this life, she still wasn't pregnant.

It seems like things wouldn't completely go the same way as they had in her previous life.

Who had gotten injured from that gunshot earlier?

She prayed to god that it wasn't Jungkook!

This time, there was no way that Chauffeur Suho was the spy. This was because he did not accompany them on the trip.

Suho, that disloyal thing, was kept as Jeont to draw in enemies. He was being closely watched and could not cause any trouble.

Lisa really wanted to call Jungkook and ask about his safety.

However, she knew very well that if he was in the midst of a gun fight, a call at this moment would only expose his location and worsen his danger.

She made a decision on the spot and dialed Mark.

His drowsy voice could be heard on the other end. "Madam Jeon, it's so late. What do you need from me?"

"Mark, Jungkook is in danger. I need your help."

Mark immediately became fully awake. "Madam Jeon, where is he? I'm referring to Jungkook. I'll go look for him immediately."

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