735.Lili Has Gone Blind?

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The two of them walked side by side up the asphalt road. A villager passing by teased him. "Seungmin, is this your girlfriend? Not bad. She's really beautiful!"

"Don't speak nonsense." Seungmin's tanned cheeks turned suspiciously red. "I'm not that lucky."

He peeked at the young lady by his side. Her skin was fair and her aura was outstanding. With one look, it was obvious she was a lady of a wealthy family from the city.

How could a girl like her possibly marry a nobody from a village like him?

Tzuyu spoke apologetically. "I'm sorry. I've made them misunderstand."

"I should be the one apologising." A hint of regret flashed Seungmin's eyes. "Could I ask for your name?"


He nodded lightly. The two of them did not speak further. When they arrived at the Kim family's home, Seungmin immediately noticed the Audi Q7 parked in the yard. He lived in this village and naturally knew that the Kim family had moved away and rented their home to her. He also knew that this wasn't the Kim family's car.

The license plate on the car belonged to someone who lived in the city. Considering that she could afford this car, her family background definitely wasn't poor.

Seungmin felt a hint of disappointment. Truthfully, he did not wish for her background to be too well-off. This was because he hoped to pursue her.

Tzuyu watched as Seungmin kindly helped her move the items into the house. He also separated the items and placed the food into her kitchen, and the soaps into her bathroom.

"You don't have to help me with all this. You can just place them down." She rushed to say.

"It's no problem." Seungmin wiped the sweat away from his forehead. "You've just arrived. I used to visit the Kim family all the time. I'm sure I know this place better than you. If you need any help in the future, feel free to contact me."

He then brought a small notebook out from his pocket and wrote a string of numbers with a ballpoint pen.

Tzuyu received it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Seungmin hoped internally that she would request he stay a little for a cup of tea.

Tzuyu spoke up first. "I can't offer you a cup of tea as I live here alone. I hope you understand."

Seungmin rushed to reply. "It's alright, don't worry. Remember to contact me if you need any help. We live in the same village. I should take care of you."

She smiled lightly but did not plan on troubling him.

For the next few days, Tzuyu's phone was switched off. She also did not use the internet.

She spent her mornings on the summit of the mountain watching the sunrise. She would then return home to cook some congee. In the afternoons and evenings, she would prepare two dishes for herself. Aside from visiting the grocery store once, she rarely left her home.

She had hoped to rely on an unfamiliar place to forget Sehun. However, she only grew to miss him more.

Perhaps due to her longing, her appetite was especially poor. Even mild dishes left her feeling nauseous...

At the same time, in the Bai family's old mansion.

Recently, Lisa was living in the old mansion and accompanying Elder Bai just as he requested.

She had made countless calls to Tzuyu.

However, Tzuyu's phone remained switched off.

In fact, a few days ago, Tzuyu had sent her an email to inform her that she was safe and well.

However, she still hoped to contact her and to personally clarify the misunderstanding about herself and her brother.

Tzuyu did not respond to her messages or her WeChat messages.

Lisa guessed that her good friend had even refrained from using the internet.

Her brother, Sehun, had searched through the city centre for Tzuyu. He had nearly inspected all the streets, alleys, hotels and even restaurants.

Unfortunately, Tzuyu remained nowhere to be found.

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