609.Another Love Rival

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Although they had planned to have lunch at that time, there was no way they could do so under those circumstances. All the Bai family members had insisted that Jungkook dissolve his marriage contract with her. Similarly, she had provoked him with harsh words and demanded her own freedom.

Despite his rage, he had declared that there was no way she would ever escape from his hands!

Furthermore, he had forcefully tied her up and taken her to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Their marriage was then registered in such a manner.

Now that she reflected on this, there was no way Jungkook could have schemed against her. He had no reasons to do so.

He had gone away to invite his grandfather and his parents to meet her.

He did not insist upon her to take the initiative to greet her elders, and had instead given her sufficient face and spoiled her rotten!

Lisa felt especially frustrated whenever she recalled her own foolishness from her past life.

If she were to be this stupid again, she would rather have a block of tofu fall from the sky and end her life.

As expected, as soon as Jungkook turned around the corner, a young woman in a pink dress with a coat around her shoulders approached Lisa. Her figure appeared slender and attractive and her features were charming. She was definitely a stunning, graceful beauty. Combined with her gentle and dignified aura, she was the absolute model of a well-brought up young lady from a wealthy family.

This was Nancy.

In their previous life, Lisa had thought that she was extremely beautiful and charismatic from the moment they met. At the time, she had been ugly and fat and was dressed poorly. She instantly felt the stark contrast in their appearances and had struggled to manage her own insecurities.

However, things were different this time around.

Currently, her figure was better than Nancy’s. Her appearance was also better. She was dressed in… the same style of long-piece dress. She stood proudly and confidently!

Nancy carefully sized up Lisa’s slender figure and her snow white skin. The light make-up she had applied only accentuated her stunning features.

She was absolutely flawless in terms of her appearance and figure!

Nancy was deeply astonished, especially when she noticed the pink dress Lisa was wearing. It was almost identical to hers.

Nancy had thought that the dress she had on, accentuated her beauty. However, she was frustrated at the realisation that as she stood side by side with Lisa, her beauty did not match up with Lisa’s. She felt a hint of discomfort at this.

Lisa noticed the unhappiness in her eyes and smiled mockingly.

She had intentionally worn the same dress to disgust her.

Who asked Nancy to scheme against her to mistake the butler for Grandfather Jeon?

“You must be Lalisa. Nice to meet you. I’m Jeon Nancy. I believe my cousin must have mentioned me in passing before.”

Nancy pushed the discomfort away and smiled gracefully. She took the initiative to speak up first.

Lisa responded with a mild smile. “I’m sorry. Jungkook has never mentioned you before.” Lisa was speaking truthfully and was not trying to humiliate her.

Nancy did not expect that Lisa wouldn’t give her any face. Her smile stiffened for a moment. “That’s alright. I’ll introduce myself to you, then. The Jeon family’s elder has two sons. The elder son adopted my brother, Mingyu, and I.”

She paused for a moment before continuing. “My adopted brother, Mingyu, can be considered childhood friends with Miss Lee. I heard that you both are very close. My father has already passed away. Currently, Grandfather Jeon's younger son, Jeon Hong, only has one son. That would be my cousin, Jeon Jungkook. The Jeon family values their bloodline heavily. When my adopted brother, Mingyu, and I were adopted, it was emphasised that we would not have any rights to succession. In other words, my cousin, Jeon Jungkook, is the Jeon family’s only successor.”

“There’s no need for Miss Jeon to explain so much. It’s completely unnecessary.” Lisa smiled lightly. “I’ve been engaged to Jungkook since I was young. I know these things better than you.”

Nancy appeared to restrain herself, as though she had a good temperament. “In that case, take it as I’m being a busybody. I simply wanted to let you know that you’re very lucky to become Jungkook’s fiancée. His identity is far more valuable than my adopted brother’s.”

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