632.Calligraphy Challenge

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"Even the president has to give way to Jeon Hong. Why didn't you seduce Jeon Hong instead?" Nancy asked.

"I tried but it was to no avail. Jeon Hong is much wiser than Jeon Pu. Additionally, though his wife, Ye Yunzhi, doesn't appear like someone who would step in, she isn't someone you can ignore. She also has the support of a powerful family. It truly wasn't easy to deal with them. Furthermore, I came to know of Jeon Hong after I became Jeon Pu's wife. With Jeon Hong's character, he would never touch his elder brother's woman. I was also worried the Jeon family would look deeper into you siblings' identity..." Huang Zhishu sighed. "Due to various reasons, I could only become the Jeon family's useless son's wife."

"You already did very well." Nancy responded warmly. "If you hadn't stepped into the Jeon family, where would the glory and wealth we're enjoying today be?"

"Indeed." Huang Zhishu caressed her daughter's hair softly. "My daughter is so outstanding. I was restricted by too many factors and could only seduce Jeon Pu. But you're different..."

She narrowed her eyes slightly. "You're the Jeon family's adopted daughter. The Jeon family spent over twenty years raising you. Even if the elders don't look upon you favourably, they at least have some feelings for you. You've also become the Long Group's only successor."

"Only an outstanding man like Jungkook is good enough for me." Nancy responded firmly. "Besides, I've liked Jungkook for over two decades. The more he disdains me, the more I must obtain him."

"Back then, on several occasions when I 'acted up', Jeon Pu had still been protecting Hu Lewei. A few instances doesn't represent anything."

Nancy gathered herself back together. "Mom, don't worry. I will definitely make sure that Lisa ends up in an even worse state that Hu Lewei did that year!"

"This is how my daughter should act." Huang Zhishu reminded her. "Right now, you must maintain your composure. To make Jungkook disappointed in Lisa, you have to work step by step. Do you understand?"

"As your daughter, I won't perform worse than you."


An hour later, Grandfather Jeon Chongshan instructed the helpers to place a square table in the Chinese-style garden. A calligraphy brush, ink, as well as empty white scrolls were prepared.

Mingyu accompanied by his side.

"Grandfather, are you planning on writing?" Nancy approached him with a smile.

"That's right. Are you feeling better?" Calligraphy was one of Jeon Chongshan's greatest hobbies. He lifted the brush and dipped it into the ink before writing on the scroll in smooth, daring strokes.

Nancy obediently responded. "I'm feeling much better. Thank you for your concern, Grandfather."

Jeon Chongshan saw that Jungkook and Lisa were standing nearby beneath several trees. He waved at them to come over.

The two of them approached the place.

Jeon Chongshan lifted the scroll he had just written on. "Look at what I just wrote."

"Your strokes are smooth and daring. This is a really good piece," Lisa gave a simple but truthful praise.

"Grandfather, I also wish to practice my calligraphy." For the sake of pleasing this old man, Nancy had been practising her calligraphy secretly. Right now, she could already manage a good piece of calligraphy work.

"Good, good." Jeon Chongshan nodded.

Nancy picked up the brush and narrowed her eyes schemingly. She then wrote four complicated characters that required many strokes. Every stroke she left behind was made suitably and her words appeared very pleasing.

Mingyu rubbed his chin and was completely at a loss as to what his sister had written. "Nancy, what did you write?"

Huang Zhishu approached from the house and took in the unique words on the scroll. "I don't recognise these words either." She turned curiously towards Lisa. "Miss Lee, you're well-educated and are a talented woman from the famous Jing Hua University. I'm sure you must recognise these words."

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