676.Stormy Evening {1}

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The apartment had three rooms and two living spaces. Sehun occupied the main bedroom while she had forcefully demanded the other bedroom. The last room was his study area.

Of course, nothing physical had ever happened between the two of them.

Still, she had the spare keys to his home.

She put away the clothes from her shopping bags into the closet and quickly drove out of the district to look for Sehun.

She recalled the cafes and entertainment spots he frequently visited.

She searched every location he could possibly be at. However, she could not find him.

The sky gradually darkened and the moon shone brightly in the sky.

As it began to drizzle, Tzuyu parked her car against the roadside and murmured in worry. "Sehun, where are you right now?"

He wasn't at home, neither was he at the places he normally frequented...

Home... that's right. Sehun did not have any friends he could confide in. It was likely that he had returned home!

For the past two years, Sehun had always stayed in the Hong Sheng District. Hence, she had completely forgotten to consider his home... the Lee family's villa!

After Mother Lee Lilan's body was found, the Lee Villa had been sealed for a while. However, after the crime was resolved, it was reopened.

Although Shaohua and Lisa both did not live there, there were helpers who frequently visited the Lee Villa to manage and clean the place.

There was even a bodyguard by the surname of 'Liu' guarding the entrance.

She drove quickly to the Lee family's villa, parking the car in front of the villa's gates. She lowered her window and pressed the car horn.

The bodyguard recognised her and opened the villa gates.

"Sir Liu, may I know if Sehun is home?" Tzuyu shouted towards the bodyguard.

He nodded.

Tzuyu stepped on the accelerator and drove her car to come to a stop before the Lee family's building. As expected, Sehun's car was parked there.

After parking her car, she ran into the Lee home underneath the rain. Thankfully, she was able to dash in quickly and did not get drenched.

The villa door was slightly ajar and it was completely dark inside. She could barely see her own outstretched fingers.

Tzuyu recalled that Lee Lilan's body had been buried beneath a certain storeroom in this building...

The body had been buried for nearly eight years before it was finally discovered.

She immediately trembled in fear.

She found herself paralysed standing before the door.

It was raining heavily and the wind was really cold that night. The thunder was also especially loud.

Just by standing before the entrance, she felt herself trembling.

However, at the thought that Sehun was inside...

She mustered her courage and pushed the door open to enter.

Hu... hu...

The cold wind came in furiously through the entrance and left her skin covered in goosebumps.

The lights... where was the light switch? She had visited this place in the past but had never noticed where the switches were located.

It should be next to the door, shouldn't it?

She reached out to feel against the wall but failed to locate it.

Ring, ring, ring... Ring, ring, ring!

Her phone suddenly rang. With the stormy rain and the dark room, the noise was especially startling.

Tzuyu jumped in fright. She lowered her head to see that she had received a call. She answered with a tremble. "Hello... who is this?"

There wasn't any noise from the other end. She could barely make out the noise of someone breathing.

Her scalp prickled uncomfortably and she immediately ended the call. She then turned on the torch light on her phone.

The ray of light lit up the enormous villa living room. However, it caused the dark corners to appear especially frightening.

She rushed to press her palms together. "Auntie Lee, please relax. I am Lisa's good friend and Sehun's future wife. I am your future daughter-in-law. You have to take care of me."

Right after she spoke, the villa lights turned on.

"Ah!" Tzuyu was especially afraid of ghosts. She immediately shrieked in fright.

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