633.Hidden Strengths

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The question was suddenly directed towards her. Lisa realised that this family had schemed together to make things difficult for her and humiliate her. However, things would not go their way this easily.

Jeon Jungkook frowned. He did not enjoy calligraphy. "None of you understand these words, why would you ask Lisa about it?"

"Aren't these the words 'Zan Yin Shi Zu' written in the Qin Script calligraphy style?" Lisa pursed her lips. "It's not difficult at all. It's very simple."

Nancy was unhappy. "Miss Lee, you're exaggerating too much just because you recognise these words. Qin Script calligraphy is extremely difficult. It took me many years of practice to achieve this level of words."

Even Jeon Chongshan nodded in agreement. "Lisa, if you're unable to outperform Nancy's calligraphy, you'll have to be more humble."

"Grandfather!" Jungkook's expression was dark. "Lisa knows how to conduct herself well."

Lisa was overjoyed that her husband stood firmly on her side. Jungkook was unaware that she was well-versed with Qin Script calligraphy.

She smiled. "What's going on with you guys? Who says I'm not being humble? All I said was that Qin calligraphy is simple. Let me demonstrate it for you guys."

She approached the square table and lifted the brush, dipping it into the ink. She then wrote a whole paragraph of words in Qin Script with ease.

Her appearance was stunning and her posture was at ease. Her focused expression as she moved the brush was especially charming.

Everyone present was dazed.

Even the way she wrote made for a stunning scenery meant to be admired.

As she placed the brush down, everyone took in the words she had written in Qin Script with amazement:

'One must study to enhance their competency, one must strengthen their resolve to study. Over-excessive indulgence will obstruct one from inspiring their spirits, a violent spirit cannot draw respect.

The passing years and our withering ambitions will eventually leave us with a crippled spirit. If we do not broaden our horizons and choose to instead lock ourselves up in misery, what's the use for regret when it's too late!'

"Good words!" Jeon Chongshan exclaimed in admiration. "Lisa, most of the young people these days aren't familiar with Qin Script. I didn't expect you to be so skilled in this area."

Mingyu was similarly astonished.

Lisa had a beautiful singing voice and her appearance was charming without any flaws. Although he could not recognise the words she had written, even from the point of someone unfamiliar with calligraphy, he felt that her words were written with spirit and were strangely pleasing to the eyes.

He wondered if she had any other secrets hidden away.

A heavy sense of regret was festering in his chest. He strongly regretted not accepting her confession back then.

Although he was now developing feelings for her, he no longer dared to express it due to Jungkook's presence.

Jungkook approached Lisa's side and took the brush from her hands, placing it down. He gently caressed her slightly messy hair. "How many more surprises do you have waiting for me?"

"Just a few." She smiled.

For example, she had special abilities.

She glanced towards Nancy who had just recovered from shock.

And that seemingly soft and weak woman even knew how to hypnotise others.

In this lifetime, she wanted to see exactly who was more capable between the two of them!

"I didn't expect Miss Lee to be this skilled at Qin Script." Nancy praised unwillingly. She wasn't foolish enough to lie through her teeth and claim that these words were poor. Doing so would only cause her to appear especially narrow-minded.

"Earlier, Miss Jeon gave me a test. I would also like to ask now. What do you think are these words I wrote?" Lisa asked.

Nancy read the passage out. "I truly do not know where these words are from."

Jeon Chongshan picked up the scroll Lisa had written on and admired it. "These words are from Zhu Ge Liang's <Jie Zi Shu>. It teaches that without proper hard work and a good resolve, one cannot attain good results in their studies. Overindulgence and idleness stops us from gathering our resolve. If we allow our ambition to wither away with time, we will only be left with regrets when we find ourselves to have become someone without any accomplishments."

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