🌨️Chapter 6 | The News🌨️

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*When Everyone made it inside of the castle*

Blossom: *Shuts the door and sighs in relief and turns to Catalina and the others*

Blossom: Is everyone ok?

Everyone except for Blossom: Yeah.We are fine....

Mk: *Puts an Ice pack on his head* Well..Some of us are..

Blossom: *Saws Mk holding an ice pack on his head* !?

Blossom: Mk?! What happened!? Did you get hit by a Hail ball?!

Mk:  Yeah I did.So did Minami.

Minami: *Also has an Ice pack on her head* Yeah...But me and Mk are going to be ok.

Mei: Ok...but quick question...What the heck is happening out there?!

Mei: It was perfectly fine outside until it started raining hail like CRAZY!!!

Mario: Yeah.Like Mei said...I thought that we are going to have a snowstorm next week.

Blossom: *Grabs the remote and turns on the news* That's true...But let's watch the news to see what is going on.

News Reporter (On Tv): Breaking news! We thought that the Mushroom Kingdom was going to have a Snowstorm next week...but it decided to came early!

News Reporter (On Tv): *Saws the black figure* Huh?! What's this?

*The Black Figure saws the news reporter appears from the shadows with a smirk on his face with baby blue eyes that look like Catalina's eyes*

Blossom: Who the heck is that?

Mk: I really don't know,Bloss.

Catalina: *Realized the figure with a shocked on her face* (Mind: No...It can't be..He's alive!?)

??? (On Tv): People of all The Multiverse...Listen closely...I am The Ice King.Me and my Wife,The Lightning Queen have cursed the whole world and the multiverse for an Eternity of this season....From now on...The Multiverse and the whole world is now cursed for Eternal Winter...Anyone who tries to stop us...will pay dearly.....*Does a smirk* 

*Suddenly,The figure disappears as the screen changed into a Technical Difficulties Screen.Blossom and the others stood there in shocked*

Catalina: (Mind:That voice....it feels so....Familiar...)

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