Chapter 1 New home.

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I can still remember the screech we made. The water fillings are lungs, making us unable to breathe. Just like that. The pain in our chest was over.  We felt no more pain. We wake up in a new place everything looks like the forest but blue with stars.  I looked around to see if mama joined us here too.

???: "Wait where mama!?" A pale she cat spoke.

???: "M m mama?" A dark brown cat spoke.

I look at my paws. Are out line was blue with stars glitter around us.

???" GAH!"

I jumped with my patchy fur poofs up with fear. Where was he. And why were they here.

As the kits panicked of there now new home. Another cat shows up. A dark brown tabby with blue eyes and the same blue out lines with stars glistening around them. The kits huddle close as one was about to strike.

???" Don't even think about it bub. I tear you into crow food!"

The tabby was not fazed by the threat. Except he giggles a bit.

???: "Easy Patchkit. I'm not going to hurt you and your siblings."

Patchkit: " H H How do you know my name? Who are you? Why are we here?"

Birchfall: "My name is Birchfall. I was a thunderclan warrior. And a clanmate to your mother as well."

???" Wait you kn know about mama?"

The dark brown cat spoke shyly. This one must be the shy one out of the litter.

Birchfall: " Yes Larchkit I do know your mother. Mapleshade."

Patchkit: "Where is she? Why is she not with us?"

Birchfall: "........Your mother still in the three...I'm sorry... You didn't survive the river.... You three drowned."

The kits all gasp from hearing this.

???:" H How do we get back to her? Mama needs us!"

Birchfall:" I'm sorry Petalkit. You cannot go back. You died. And can't ever come back. Starclan is your new home now."

The kits panicked.

Patchkit was actually crying trying to fight back the tears.

Patchkit: "N n no don't listen to him guys. We can still see and be with mama."

Patchkit runed all the way to the edge of starclan and jumped down.

Petalkit/Larchkit: "PATCHKIT!"

The two other kits followed their concern brother. As Birchfall did as well. To make sure they're safe. Patchkit finally made it back to the forest now on the other side of the river. Mapleshade was taking her kits out of the water. Limped and lifeless.

Patchkit: " Mama! Mama! It's me Patchkit."

The other kits did the same to get their mother's attention.

Birchfall: "She can't hear you."

Patchkit kit cried harder. Trying everything to get their mother's attention. By splashing water and throwing rocks tugging at her fur. But nothing.

Patchkit: "M M Mama"

Petalkit comforts Larchkit and Patchkit.
Their heads were down as they cried. Now seeing their lifeless body before them. Birchfall also came to comfort them by wrapping his tail around them.

Birchfall: "I'm sorry guys. There is nothing you can do now. But watch over her. Come now. It's time to go."

The dark brown tabby signal them with his tail to follow him.

Maple Kits Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now