Chapter 6 Entering Dark forest.

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It's been like 3 hrs and Patchkit finally woke up from the fall.

He weakly got up and shook his head to clear his wobbly thoughts.

Patchkit: "Ugh.. what-"

That's when he remembered. He attacked Appledusk in vengeance of saying Mapleshade was worthless.

Patchkit looked around his surroundings seeing the the blood sky and the blood moon with the cut in half trees and the grass was withers and it reek with flesh and blood. It was so bad he cover his nose.

Patchkit: "................Yep...this is the Dark forest."

Patchkit remember what Snowtuft told him about the Dark forest. What it looked like, and everything he seeing has checked out. He also remember the cats here fight to the death if they get on there bad side or out of pure boredom.
Patchkit was alone. He been that for three hours. He surprised non of the cats here try to eat him like a meal,he started walking the withers grass felt under his paws and the stench of the place made it more uncomfortable for him. But he forced himself to get used to it. He a Dark forest kit. He tried to kill his father out of pure vengeance of treating his mother like crow dung. This made him angry and cried at the awful memories he just had, going up to the tree and clawed it and cuss at it pretending it was him. He yowl so hard it attract another Dark forest cat. A gray tabby that came up to him annoyed.

???: "For dear Starclan well you shut your mouth. DANM. Your more annoying then Snowtuft."

Patchkit heard the voice, snapping out of his anger he look who behind him. It was a gray tabby that his fur looked like it hasn't been groomed in years his eyes were green. He calmed himself down a bit to look at the cat. And got himself in a battle position. The gray tabby was confused by the kits action. But gave off a smirk showing no fear.

???: "Heh. What with the tantrum. Upset that another kit had your favorite prey?"

Patchkit wanted to shed this cat for that comment. But he knew nothing next to little about battling. So he kept his guard up and spoke.

Patchkit: "W Who are you?"

Maggottail: "At least your mother taught you manners. Name Maggottail. I'm one of the Dark forest warriors."

Patchkit: "Then that must mean you know Mapleshade?"

Maggottail: "Of course I do. She the queen and ruler of this place. Why you ask?"

Patchkit: "I'm Patchkit. I'm her son."

The gray tabby eyes widing in shock. Knowing what would happen if he tried to kill this kit.

Maggottail: "Why in the name of Starclan is a kit like you doing here?!"

Patchkit: "Non of your business. Tell me were my mother is and I won't turn you sorry butt to ashes."

The Tom laugh at the kit threat.

Maggottail: "Carful what you say here kit. For your size your the one turing to ashes even worse. You stop existing if you get killed."

This made Patchkit scared a bit. But acted strong to not look weak. Of course the Tom knew the kit was scared, but he was impressed with his bravery.

Maggottail: "For a scare kit. You quite act brave. I can respect that."

Patchkit: "Can you take me to my mother?"

Maggottail: "Sure. But my question is, Why? Don't you know she killed cats?"

Patchkit: "She killed traitors they deserve to die!"

Maggottail smile at the kit hatred for them.

Maggottail: "Alright kit. Enough with the attack pose. Your going to freeze like that if you stay in that pose for too long."

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