V1-Chapter 1: Prologue

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Our story unfolds outside a house, amidst a bustling commotion. Drawing nearer, we observe two individuals assisting another in packing, seemingly in preparation for yet another year at Beacon.

(Dylan's POV)

Freya: "You know, I don't need you guys to help me pack. I'm older than both of you; I can handle it."

Alice: "What!? But we won't see you for some time again. It's just going to be me and big brother."

Alice slumped down, disheartened by Freya's remark.

Dylan: "Why do you make it sound so sad?! I ain't that bad to hang out with."

Dejected, I could only slump over as my older sister let out a chuckle.

Alice: "It's not my fault you're a guy. It's just that girls are better off with girls; it's so much easier to have conversations."

Her smirk only served to further shatter my already fragile self-esteem.

Dylan: "Look, you could have just kept your disappointing remarks to yourself, you know!"

I raised my voice at Alice as we found ourselves on the brink of another argument. She was attempting to prove that I was terrible at social interactions. But I wasn't about to let her slander me without a fight.


Freya's shout, filled with pure anger, echoed throughout our home. In response, we both dropped to our knees, pleading for mercy.

Freya: "You two are ridiculous! The smallest remark and you guys start bickering. Look, I'm not leaving forever. We've had this routine for two years now. I know it sucks that I can't come home while attending Beacon, but soon it will be Dylan's turn. One more year and then you're applying for Beacon. How is that going to work?"

She smiled at me, then turned her gaze to Alice, waiting expectantly for our responses.

Dylan: "Yeah, you have a point. But even though I'm still going to do my best at school, you did see my report, didn't you? I'm first in my year when it comes to fighting. Even Alice can't beat me."

With a smirk gracing my face, I stood proud of my achievement. Having never lost a fight, my confidence had begun to tip into cockiness as time progressed.

Freya: "And what about your studies? They could use some more attention, you know. And if you stay cocky like that, it will bite you back one day, so please try to refrain from doing so."

Her tone lost its happiness upon hearing how I've been flaunting my victories far and wide a behavior she nonetheless found admirable.

Freya: "If you keep thinking you're the best, then one day when you're beaten, it might have a harder impact."

Alice: "She has a point, bro. You have the strength to back it up, but you're not the brightest of us three. That doesn't mean you can't fight, but don't forget that being tactical can also be an easier way to fight. Take me as an example."

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