V3-Chapter 25: I will prove myself for my family

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(Hello readers I wanted to mention that Dylan is taking Yang's place in the tournament which you probably already know from previous chapters, as to avoid confusion I wanted to add that if I use a picture from the anime where Yang does something then just think of it as it's Dylan instead, of course he will do things his own way so that the fight isn't a complete mirror to the original. I hope you enjoy today's chapter and let the reading begin.👍)

(Ruby's POV)

Today was the day Dylan and Weiss would take the field, an event I was eagerly anticipating. Meanwhile, Penny was captivating the audience with her prowess, effortlessly overpowering two of Cardin's teammates. Her skill was nothing short of mesmerizing. I found myself marveling at her ability to control her array of swords with such precision, each one moving in perfect harmony with the others.

 I found myself marveling at her ability to control her array of swords with such precision, each one moving in perfect harmony with the others

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Ruby: "How does she do that?"

Yang: "Who knows, but one thing is sure, she's kicking some real ass."

Blake: "Yeah, the match had been decided ever since it begun."

Dylan: "She's so cool. Do you think I would be able to create a water sword and use them like that?"

Weiss: "Why ask us? I'm sure Sylvie could answer that question."

Dylan: "Fair point."

Yang: "Are you excited about the next match, Dylan?"

Dylan: "Hell yeah, I am! Team RWBY will prevail through this tournament and show everyone who's number one!"

Weiss: "In case that enthusiasm wasn't enough for you, let's just say that were pretty confident on our skill together."

Blake: "I'm not worried in the slightest, I'm sure you two will persevere whatever is thrown your way."

Dylan: "You got that right!"

Hearing Dylan's excitement brought back a sense of nostalgia; it had been a while since he last displayed such zeal, reminiscent of our anticipation before embarking on our first mission. My attention was recaptured by Penny's prowess in the arena. With remarkable control, she manipulated her swords to lift the rocks her opponents were using as cover. The adversaries, clinging desperately to their makeshift shields, were helplessly slammed back onto the ground, concluding the match with Penny facing no significant challenges.

 The adversaries, clinging desperately to their makeshift shields, were helplessly slammed back onto the ground, concluding the match with Penny facing no significant challenges

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